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PUBLIC MARKS with tags mobile & webdesign




Kill The Hamburger Button | TechCrunch

by sbrothier
That little three-lined button is the devil. Whether you call it a side menu, navigation drawer, or a hamburger, hiding your features off-screen behind a nondescript icon in the corner is usually a poor mobile design choice. Interaction theory, A/B tests, and the evolution of some of the top apps in the world all support the same thesis: The hamburger button is bad for engagement, and you should probably replace it with a tab bar or other navigation scheme.

Web design as troll: how The Verge Fanboys piece taunted the internet | Vox Product Blog

by sbrothier
How do you speak to a group of extremely passionate people? What kind of design would speak to them? When Joshua Topolsky approached us about creating three different layouts in the style of three mobile UI’s we were initially torn. Something about mimicking the UI of phones didn’t feel original. But more importantly, it presented a problem of presentation. There was an inherent a UX problem to solve: do you offer presentation options or do you trick the user? We decided to troll.

Motion Ui Design Principles — Beyond Kinetic

by sbrothier
This blog is a quick look at some simple Ui motion design principles.  There isn’t too much documented about this area of mobile ui design and I thought there would be some value in expressing my views.   From what is documented already I urge anyone interested in ui motion to check out Pasquale D’Silva and Johannes Tonollo’s meaningful transitions  

Go Responsive with 7 Free Email Templates from Stamplia | Litmus

by sbrothier
With nearly 50% of emails opened on mobile devices, it’s important to keep small screens in mind. We offer plenty of mobile optimization tips, inspiration and resources on the Litmus blog—and starting today, we’re also offering 7 pre-tested and bulletproof responsive templates for your next campaign.


WebKit Has Implemented srcset, And It's A Good Thing

by 84GHz
As originally proposed, the srcset attribute allowed developers to specify a list of sources for an image attribute, to be delivered based on the pixel density of the user’s display


UX Archive

by gregg & 1 other
We want to help people create the best user experiences possible for their apps. In the creative process of shaping such an experience you need to explore what others have done to define what works, what doesn’t and to observe patterns that you should or shouldn’t integrate in your app

La tête dans le Flux ! - Mobiles : tout est une question de taille !

by Monique

Ça commence à se savoir, les navigateurs mobiles n’en font qu’à leur tête rien que pour nous mener la vie dure : tailles virtuelles, viewport fluctuants, pixel-ratios incohérents, résolutions divergentes, valeurs faussées selon les contextes, etc.

Bref, les mobiles nous mentent ! Et en beauté.

Comme les tableaux et les listes de valeurs ne sont pas toujours très parlants, je me suis dit que des exemples visuels et illustrés seraient bien plus éloquents.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag mobile

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