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PUBLIC MARKS with tags music & 2006

December 2006

August 2006

June 2006

March 2006

Identity Production in a Networked Culture: Why Youth Heart MySpace

by bcpbcp & 6 others (via)
I want to talk with you today about how teenagers are using a website called I will briefly describe the site and then discuss how youth use it for identity production and socialization in contemporary American society. I have been following MySpace since its launch in 2003. Initially, it was the home to 20-somethings interested in indie music in Los Angeles. Today, you will be hard pressed to find an American teenager who does not know about the site, regardless of whether or not they participate. Over 50 million accounts have been created and the majority of participants are what would be labeled youth - ages 14-24. MySpace has more pageviews per day than any site on the web except Yahoo! (yes, more than Google or MSN).

February 2006

BBC NEWS | Technology | How to be a rock star, virtually

by bcpbcp
There are usually only two things that stop most adolescent males from being guitar "rock gods" - lack of a guitar and a total lack of talent.

Febre do <i>Pump it Up</i> enche os shoppings de jovens

by bcpbcp
O jogo consiste em seguir a sequência de passos que a máquina dita. Pode-se jogar em dupla, na modalidade stepper, ou sozinho, o que se chama de free style. "O stepper exige mais fôlego e resistência, já no free style é preciso saber dançar e coordenar os movimentos", explica Rafael. No começo pode ser esquisito ver um monte de marmanjo sapateando, mas aos poucos a gente se acostuma e começa a admirar o gingado dos rapazes.

Re:Retro - The Classic and Retro Games Blog

by bcpbcp
They do indeed go everywhere. Andreas Wieslander and his band of intrepid film makers/musicians/gamers pay homage to Parappa the Rapper in this excellent video, which is a cover of “Cheep Cheep Cooking Chicken’s Rap” from the first title in the PaRappa series.

January 2006

Blog of Booth

by bcpbcp (via)
A blog about my life, game design theory, music, and whatever else is currently in my field of interests.

GameCultura: Tapetes de dança nas escolas americanas

by bcpbcp
O publisher Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. anunciuou uma parceria de 3 anos com o Estado de West Virginia em que todas as 765 West Virginia public schools receberao os tapetes de danca DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) nos curriuclos relacionados a educação física e saúde.

Raph’s Website » Audition

by bcpbcp
As with many of the Asian games, there’s a nominally massively multiplayer lobby, which you enter minimally multiplayer games from. You play the game in order to earn virtual cash, plus you buy a different sort of virtual cash. You can then buy further accessories for your character (clothes, character customization, etc) and new stuff to play (in this case, songs) with that money.

Grand Text Auto » Computational Aesthetics Workshop at AAAI

by bcpbcp
Our aesthetic agency for beauty and emotion is one of the most celebrated bastions of humanity. If machines could understand and affect our perceptions of beauty and happiness, they could touch people's lives in fantastic new ways. Drawing variously from work in diverse fields such as psychology, cognitive science, and philosophy, recent applications of artificial intelligence have begun their foray into the computation of, inter alia, art, music, poetry, and affect. Both the theory and praxis of aesthetics by computational means are seeing rapid advances, and the time is ripe for thematic integration. Hence, this workshop will bring together AI theorists and practitioners across various realms in study and celebration of its central thematic, COMPUTATIONAL AESTHETICS.

Gamasutra - Interview - "Rodney Greenblat, The Mother Of Sony's Almost Mario"

by bcpbcp (via)
Ten years ago, Sony brought three dimensions, as well as the concept of "maturity", to the video gaming masses. And yet, when many people think back to the "PlayStation era", a hyper realistic character in a 3D landscape doesn't necessarily come to mind. Instead, they think of a flat cartoony dog that could rap.

The Essential 50 Part 44: Parappa the Rapper from

by bcpbcp
Graphics and images have been an integral part of every game ever made -- it's a visual medium, after all. What you see is what you get. Even the most primitive games that couldn't draw proper images onscreen at least gave you ASCII art or text. And so it went, throughout gaming history, until Parappa the Rapper finally brought a new sense into play: in NanaOn-Sha's PSone masterpiece, you had to rely on your ears as much as your eyes.

Music video game - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

by bcpbcp
A music video game, also commonly known as a music game, rhythm action game, or rhythm game, is a type of video game where the gameplay is oriented almost entirely around the player's ability to follow a musical beat and stay with the rhythm of the game's soundtrack. Since the game play for this type of game is largely aural rather than visual, this type of game is similar to audio games. However, music games generally require a visual component as well.

Vib-Ribbon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

by bcpbcp
Vib-Ribbon is a rhythm video game in the style of PaRappa the Rapper and more recently Amplitude. The game was unique in its execution, the software loaded into RAM enabling the user to remove the game-disc and insert a music CD.

A History of Video Game Music

by bcpbcp
video game music is now a legitimate industry of its own.

Game Tycoon » Guitar Hero: Interview with Greg LoPiccolo (Harmonix)

by bcpbcp (via)
"I recently chatted with Greg LoPiccolo, VP of Product Development for Harmonix and one of the brains behind Guitar Hero, an innovative game with great reviews.;"

Lost Garden: Creating a system of game play notation

by bcpbcp
"It occurred to me the other day, “What does the world of music have to offer to game designers?”" Análise de jogabilidade através de notação musical.

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