public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags music & books


Tagomatic - We Recommend

by ycc2106
Tagomatic is an index of Music, Movies, Books, and Websites that is void of genres. Everything is indexed by what it is similar to. The community can tag any item as being similar to any other item to create a more useful index of entertainment media.


Not the biggest forum ever

by slotvent
The fastest growing general forum on the web! A forum about nothing! For when you just need somewhere to come, generally speaking of course!

Litterature | Livres audio gratuits à écouter et télécharger

by sbrothier & 9 others
Des Livres à Lire et à Entendre est une association loi 1901 qui a pour objet de faciliter l’accès de tous et en particulier des non-voyants et malvoyants aux joies de la littérature.


Japon, rondes, comptines et berceuses, Musique pour les enfants, Disques sur

by sbrothier
Au Pays du Soleil Levant , les comptines, légères comme la rosée, dévoilent les paysages familiers qui symbolisent le Japon : les cerisiers en fleur et le Mont Fuji. Si les comptines laissent libre cours à l'imagination poétique, les berceuses offrent aux enfants la sérénité zen des jardins de pierres. Humour et bonne humeur affluent, dans les rondes, pour rappeler certaines règles de bonne conduite comme "Mets donc les gâteaux de riz au feu, mais pas la maison. Je ne veux pas la voir partir en fumée". 22 titres qui se dégustent comme un délicieux sorbet au thé vert !


by cyberien (via)
Hover over an item and see what you can get in trade for it right now...


Anne d'Roid's Dungeon

by access2 (via)
Deep links and RSS for's fast new aStores. We can help you find what you're looking for!

Gnod - The global network of dreams

by ycc2106 & 10 others
Gnod is an experiment in the field of artificial intelligence., it's a dynamic visual mapping of Books, music, movies and people where the closer each item is the similar.

Gurulib Online Home Library

by ranabasheer
Gurulib helps to organize small home library. Using a book shelf metaphor gurulib helps to catalog books, movies, music, games and software online.

All Consuming

by slogoo & 9 others

Lists of Bests

by Hydragon & 5 others
On Lists of Bests you can create and find lists of products, places, goals and people. From the Pulitzer Prize to the Oscars and beyond; you can start the list yourself or find existing lists. - Self Publishing - Free

by julie & 34 others
Publish and Sell Worldwide Fast Publish a book, CD, DVD, image or calendar — and order it within minutes. Easy How easy? Take the Lulu publishing tour Free No set-up fees. No minimum order. No catch. We print and ship each product as it's bought, and the purchaser pays for it. You keep control ... of the rights, the design, the price and 80% of the profits. Really.

Gnovies! Discover new movies.

by ycc2106
Gnovies is a self-adapting community system based on the gnod engine. Let's make it the most useful movie resource on the net!

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag music

archives +   audio +   info+ +   internet +   libraries +   media +   mp3 +   podcasting +   Podcasts +   radio +   reference +   resource-center +   search +   search-engines +   video +  

Active users

last mark : 10/12/2009 10:07

last mark : 07/06/2009 14:21

last mark : 23/05/2008 13:07

last mark : 23/02/2008 15:34

last mark : 19/02/2008 19:33

last mark : 29/06/2007 00:01

last mark : 11/09/2009 08:54

last mark : 22/09/2006 21:16

last mark : 03/09/2006 01:18

last mark : 19/07/2006 23:47

last mark : 22/06/2006 08:29

last mark : 15/06/2006 09:31

last mark : 26/05/2006 12:44

last mark : 21/05/2006 12:03

last mark : 13/05/2006 13:36

last mark : 10/05/2006 16:15

last mark : 23/04/2006 16:20

last mark : 11/04/2006 20:58

last mark : 09/04/2006 15:52