January 2008
December 2006
Media Art Net | Sitemap
by jlesageEnglish site overview page of a large German site for media, art, and the Internet
Zoom In Online: the internet video channel providing essential info on media & entertainment
by jlesagebusiness and technology for media artists; many interesting perspectives and tech histories
November 2006
Welcome to Transparency
by jlesage & 1 other"interprets and critiques movies and television, news and political rhetoric, theme parks and advertising, computer games and the Internet, and other creations of contemporary culture"
Code Z: Black Visual Culture Now
by jlesagemany categories, including fine art, design, fashion, film, architecture, publishing, digital media, public policy; attractively designed site, starting Aug. 06
Cabinet Magazine Online -
by jlesagea quarterly journal of art, design, culture; partly playful, some art, some scholarly essays; good mix of specific reviews and overviews
lens culture: contemporary photography magazine
by jlesage & 4 othersPhotographyy internationally: documentary, fine art, photojournalism, lyrical, personal, abstract, human, and street photography. Essays, interviews with photographers, reviews of exhibitions and photo books.
WWF - A way of life threatened by climate change
by jlesagean audio/slideshow with native peoples of Alaska testifying to effects of climate change
North Fork, Long Island - slide show by Thomas a Ferrara
by jlesagerural part of Long Island, audio/slideshow
SF Gate: Sex trafficking from South Korea to US
by jlesageDuring their trip to South Korea, Chronicle reporter Meredith May and staff photographer Deanne Fitzmaurice found that while the public sex industry has slowed, parts of the business has gone underground and is still alive and well. Audio/slideshow in 4 p
October 2006
The Propaganda Remix Project
by jlesage & 2 othersold WW2 posters with contemporary messages; very well thought out designwise; print out for your office door
2006 Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge
by jlesage06 winners, with photos and explanations in a slide show
August 2006
Interactive Narratives
by jlesage & 4 otherscontemporary interactive image-audio sites, many from the news or cultural venues like concerts or museums
(17 marks)