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PUBLIC MARKS with tags nintendo & zelda


Zelda Solarus : Les soluces complètes

by -Nicolas-
Depuis la création de Zelda Solarus, notre objectif est de vous fournir des solutions de grande qualité. Nous accordons un soin tout particulier à rédiger des explications claires, agréables à lire, détaillées et abondamment illustrées. Chaque solution s'accompagne de pages annexes qui vous aideront à finir le jeu à 100%, c'est-à-dire en général avec tous les objets, tous les Fragments de Coeur, etc. La plupart du temps, suivre la solution de manière linéaire donne également une marche à suivre pour tout finir à 100%.


Samurai Nintendo

by sanjuro
A community site about the Nintendo GameCube, with news, reviews, previews, hardware information.

The Next Leap in Video Games Made by Nintendo

by Antauri
Like all big names, Nintendo started small. In 1889, Fusajiro Yamauchi, the great grandfather of today’s Nintendo president, founded Nintendo Koppai, to sell his special playing cards called "Hanafunda". Starting from 1969, Nintendo Co. Ltd., under the rule of the current president, began to produce toys and games. As the years passed, Nintendo grew bigger and bigger. Also, it started developing different games and platforms for them to run on. Some of these are the Game Boy, Nintendo 64, Visual Boy, Super Game Boy, Mario, Donkey Kong, Metroid, Pokemon and many others. Now that video games look more real, Nintendo wants to make them feel as real. In order to do so, Nintendo unveiled the next leap in video games with its upcoming Wii home console. This new console will allow users to manipulate the actions of the video game character.

Time magazine playtests WarioWare Wii

by kramkoob
Nintendo gave Time magazine an exclusive playtest of WarioWare Wii & Zelda: Twilight Princess. Interesting play description.


by cbvivi
神系列生日快乐,我认识赛尔达还是晚了一点,挺可惜的一件事。无论如何,感谢任天堂为这个世界带来了赛尔达传说。 Every game has a story.Only one is a legend:The legend of Zelda



by bagou & 1 other
Puissance-Zelda, la Légende ne fait que commencer...

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag nintendo

communauté +   consoles +   design +   games +   gaming +   go + +   irc +   jeux +   microsoft +   news +   online +   playstation +   revolution +   sony +   video +   wii +   xbox +  

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