public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags organisation & email


The Magic of Doing One Thing at a Time

by astrochoupe
Faire une seule chose à la fois, la meilleure manière d'être efficace au travail


Lab Rat: Does A Balanced Email Diet = More Focus & Productivity? :: Articles :: The 99 Percent

by Spone
If I had to identify the single greatest offender when it comes to reactionary workflow – a passive approach to work where our priorities are ruled entirely by incoming communications – email would be the obvious choice. Empowered by the alluring goal of “Inbox Zero,” we feel a sense of accomplishment in tending to a constant stream of incoming (but not very important) requests. It’s the Inbox Hero Mentality: “I may not be making any headway on my to-do list, but I’ll be damned if there’s one message lying in wait!”



Un outil complet pour votre gestion quotidienne

by Giraultises (via)
Virtual office est un bureau virtuel qui vous permettra de regrouper toutes vos données quotidiennes: calendriers, fax, contacts, SMS, gestion de fichier, messagerie mail, gestion de favoris, forum, chat, tâches, wiki et notes. A noté aussi qu'il est en multi-accès: PC, Smartphone et Wap.


PUBLIC TAGS related to tag organisation

google +   network +   outils +   social +   twitter +   utilitaires +   web +   web 2.0 +  

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last mark : 18/03/2012 20:23

last mark : 03/10/2010 11:45

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last mark : 02/09/2005 09:42