Scientific Commons: A Linux-based Node OS for Network Processors (2007), 2007-11-19 [Lukas Ruf, Matthias Bossardt, Bernhard Plattner, Rolf Stadler]
by sylvainulg (via)to be investigated as soon as citeseer is back online :P
Wonders of 'dd' and 'netcat': Cloning OS harddrives
by sylvainulg & 1 other (via)Des scripts et des conseils pour cloner un système linux. Peut-être plus très à jour depuis la multiplication des liveCD, mais tout de même.
The uIP TCP/IP Stack for Embedded Microcontrollers
by lunar (via)The open-source uIP TCP/IP stack provide TCP/IP connectivity to tiny embedded 8-bit microcontrollers, with maintained interoperability and RFC standards compliance.
(4 marks)