public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag os-x

April 2007

EZ 7z 0.581 - MacUpdate

by fredbird
EZ 7z is a an easier way of using the command line archiver, p7zip/7za. It supports: * Compression * Decompression * Listing the contents of an archive * Testing the integrity of an archive In other words, it can open .7z, .zip, and some other formats and create .7z files.

KeePass Password Safe

by fredbird & 2 others
This is the official homepage of KeePass, the free, open-source, light-weight and easy-to-use password manager.

March 2007

Main Page - OSx86

by fredbird & 9 others (via)
Welcome to the OSx86 Project - the undisputed leader in information regarding OS X on x86 hardware and Apple's Intel transition. Open since 2005, the OSx86 Project offers users a place to trade and share information about OSx86 and the various hardware needed to run it; a virtual Wikipedia of OSx86 resources. After browsing the wiki, be sure to visit our forum for the best Macintel resources and discussion around.

Password Gorilla

by fredbird
A cross-platform Password Manager

January 2007

CocoaMySQL - A MySQL GUI for Mac OS X

by fredbird & 2 others
CocoaMySQL is an application used to manage MySQL databases (locally or over the internet). It lets you add and remove databases and tables, change fields and indexes, view and filter the content of tables, add, edit and remove rows, perform custom queries and dump tables or entire databases. See all of its features here!


by fredbird & 3 others
If you're looking for a CBR and CBZ reader for your favorite OS, look no farther. Comical is an easy-to-use, featureful GUI comic book viewer, written in C using wxWidgets. It's open-source, so feel Free to contribute!

Jomic - a viewer for comic book archives

by fredbird & 1 other (via)
Jomic is a viewer for comic book archives. It can handle both CBZ and CBR archives and has a two page mode. Supported image formats are PNG, JFIF/JPEG, TIFF, and GIF. It is Open Source software distributed under the GNU General Public License.

by fredbird & 11 others
annuaire de logicels et actus mac

December 2006

by fredbird & 7 others, 1 comment
client subversion multi-plateformes

La Chose : agence web et développement de logiciels

by fredbird
SvnX est une interface graphique open source GUI de la plupart des fonctionnalités du client binaire svn. Il permet de parcourir les copies de travail, identifier les modifications et agir dessus, mais aussi de parcourir les logs et les révisions de vos dépôts (repositories).

XML Nanny

by fredbird & 1 other (via)
XML Nanny is a free (as in beer) Cocoa application for Mac OS X Tiger that allows you to parse and validate local or remote XML documents against DTD, W3C XML Schema, RELAX NG, and Schematron schemas.

November 2006


by fredbird & 17 others, 1 comment
Paparazzi! is a small utility for Mac OS X that makes screenshots of webpages. It’s written in Objective-C using the Cocoa API and the WebKit framework. It was inspired by webkit2png which is a commandline tool written by Paul Hammond in pyObjC, so all intellectual credit for the basic functionality goes to him. ;)


by fredbird & 1 other
WebDesktop layers a web browser over your Mac OS X desktop. Any standard web page can be displayed. WebDesktop uses WebKit, Apple's HTML rendering engine from Safari, so web pages should appear exactly as they do in Safari, including such advanced features as CSS and Flash. But on your desktop. Bringing WebDesktop to the front allows full interaction with the page, including scrolling, navigation, and form input.

August 2006

Open Source Mac - Free, Open-Source software for OS X

by fredbird & 46 others
Free and open-source software is good for you and good for the world. This is the best OS X software that we know of.

June 2006

Chandler, a next-generation Personal Information Manager

by fredbird & 18 others (via)
Chandler 0.6 delivers an experimentally usable calendar for individuals and small workgroups. It is a test release for collecting feedback based on real usage. In addition to basic calendaring, advanced features include: recurring events; time-zones; overlayed, multiple calendars; and managing a single event across calendars.

Transmission (bitTorrent multi-os client)

by fredbird & 6 others
Transmission is a free, lightweight BitTorrent client. It features a simple, intuitive interface on top on an efficient, cross-platform back-end. Transmission is open source (MIT license) and runs on Mac OS X (Cocoa interface), Linux/NetBSD/FreeBSD/OpenBSD (GTK interface) and BeOS (native interface). | Songbird Media Player

by fredbird & 9 others, 1 comment
Songbird is a Web player built from Firefox's browser engine. Songbird is open source, will run on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux and supports user contributed, cross-platform extensions.


by fredbird & 2 others
Image cropping and resizing made easy. iZoom is a simple application designed to allow you to easily resize and crop your photos for optimized display on your iPod photo, on the web, or in email messages to friends. iZoom is very useful for creating web photo galleries, forum-user avatars, and image thumbnails, or resizing your photos for perfect viewing on your iPod photo screen. Drag photos from your filesystem or directly from iPhoto to the iZoom canvas!

Image Tricks — reveal the hidden power of your images

by fredbird & 1 other
Image Tricks is a free application to edit and generate images. It uses Mac OS X Tiger Core Image filters that transform pictures to unimaginable extent and apply advanced visual effects. The program can create unique artwork you may use as business card background, for web design, print materials and more.

i m a g e w e l l v2.1

by fredbird & 4 others
ImageWell is the popular image editing software for quick manipulation and upload to an iDisk (.mac account), FTP server or other web server. Whether you are adding images to your documents, editing offline images, or posting photos to the web for others to see, ImageWell will do the work for you. Drag images in and out of the well, resize, crop, shape, rotate and add a watermark, border, or drop shadow. No need to launch multiple applications to add text, labels, arrows, circles and squares to your image. Add a thought cloud or talking balloon. A few simple clicks, copy, paste, and send them off to your web server instantly. At the click of a button the image is sent and a handy URL is copied to the clipboard. Just like that, it doesn't get any easier!

May 2006

Psi Jabber Client:: about

by fredbird
Psi is the premiere Instant Messaging application designed for Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X and GNU/Linux. Built upon an open protocol named Jabber, Psi is a fast and lightweight messaging client that utilises the best in open source technologies.

March 2006

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag os-x

apache +   lang:en +   logiciel +   mac +   mysql +   php +   web-dev +  

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last mark : 27/04/2007 08:20