March 2006
RobLab ~Robert Nyman
by HeT & 1 other (via)divided into three sections: CSS, JavaScript and Web Browsers.
Robert’s Talk Blog ~Robert Nyman
by HeT & 1 other (via)news, trends and developing for internet, mainly focusing on web browsers and web user interfaces
January 2006
ETH Oberon home page - modern integrated software environment.
by macroronComputer Systems Institute at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. a single-user, multi-tasking system that runs on bare hardware or on top of a host operating system. Oberon - a programming language in the Pascal/Modula tradition.
Publications ~Niklaus Wirth
by macroronProgramming in Oberon (2004) - A derivative of Programming in Modula-2 (1982) [PDF (334 KB)] Algorithms and Data Structures (1985) (Oberon version: August 2004) [PDF (1'241 KB)] ~~programming musings
by macroronrandom thoughts on programming and programming languages
December 2005 - web2.0, web services
by macroron~~The Daily ACK - The often deranged postings of yet another Perl hacker, pretending to be an Astronomer, pretending to be a Perl hacker.
Index of /~dan/presentations - Perl, Parrot PP Side Presentations ~Dan Sugalski
by macroronI'm the designer of Parrot, the interpreter engine we're building to run Perl 6. I also do perl 5 training, was, for a while, responsible for the VMS port of perl, did a lot with the original threading model that was built into perl 5.005, write modules,
Dan Sugalski Home Page
by macroronI'm the designer of Parrot, the interpreter engine we're building to run Perl 6. I also do perl 5 training, I was, for a while, responsible for the VMS port of perl, did a lot with the original threading model that was built into perl 5.005, write modules
Bill Clementson's Blog
by macroronBits and pieces (mostly Lisp-related) that I collect from the ether.
November 2005
Openomy, OmniDrive and AllMyData - Online Storage Just Got Interesting!
by macroronMashable Blog: Internet Entrepreneur ~Pete Cashmore on Web 2.0. I'm an entrepreneur, internet consultant and blogger. I'm currently working on projects involving open APIs and Web 2.0, including a startup called Noodly, which launches in early 2006. I'm a
Pensieri di un lunatico minore Blog Home ~Christopher Petrilli
by macroronprogramming-languages programming-development
Pensieri di un lunatico minore Blog: Category -> Smalltalk ~Christopher Petrilli
by macroronprogramming-languages programming-development
Revolution Systems, LLC ~Frank Wiles
by macroronNewsCloud was written by Frank Wiles as an experiment It uses a slighlty non-standard LAMP like environment. Typical LAMP application use Linux, Apache, MySQL, and a "P" lanugage such as Perl, PHP, or Python. The following technologies are used in NewsClo