July 2008
openface - Google Code
by nhoizeyThe Openface Project is a PHP framework (Ruby in process) used for building applications that run on Facebook and OpenSocial platforms. Openface is a set of libraries that you add into your PHP application that enables the same codebase to run within Face
Build Web services with PHP in Eclipse
by nhoizeyLearn how to build Web services in PHP using the PHP Development Tools (PDT) plug-in in Eclipse in three easy steps
Integrate your PHP application with Google Calendar
by nhoizeyGoogle Calendar allows Web application developers to access user-generated content and event information through its REST-based Developer API. PHP's SimpleXML extension and Zend's GData Library are ideal for processing the XML feeds generated by this API
June 2008
Gravatar runs on PHP, previously on Rails
by nhoizeyPrivilégier les compétences internes, plus que la hype : "Our decision on this matter had nothing to do with Ruby, or Rails — in fact we have a great respect for both! The reason [...] we switched is that PHP is our core competency at Automattic."
May 2008
Scoop: Job Cuts at PHP Startup Zend Could Be Aimed With An Eye Towards a Sale
by nhoizeyEt si Microsoft rachetait Zend pour maîtriser PHP ?
Livre Blanc : Frameworks PHP pour l’entreprise
by nhoizey & 2 othersUn livre blanc présentant les frameworks majeurs disponibles pour PHP, en mettant en évidence leurs zones de confort et inconfort
April 2008
Delphi for PHP
by kasi77 & 3 others (via)# The only development solution for drag-and-drop visual design for PHP
# Build data-driven Web applications with broad database connectivity
# Create AJAX-enabled Web 2.0 pages and sites
# Everything you need in a PHP development environment including a powerful code editor, debugger, profiler, database tools and much more
# Use the VCL for PHP component library with more than 70 visual components to speed development and extend it with your own components
# New version! See what's new in Delphi for PHP 2.0
March 2008
Comment bien gérer la montée en charge d’une application web ? | Simple Entrepreneur
by nhoizey & 2 othersVoici quelques pistes qui seront particulièrement utiles à ceux qui développent une application dans un environnement LAMP (Linux, Apache, Php et MySql) ou RoR (Ruby On Rails). Il s’agit en fait des retours d’expérience de sites comme Flickr, Digg
February 2008
Rails for PHP Developers
by kasi77 & 2 others (via) *
This site serves as a supplement to the Rails for PHP Developers book published by The Pragmatic Programmers. Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for you to add Rails as a tool to your development toolbox. If you’re proficient with PHP, you already have the essential skills needed to build web applications. This site will present an ongoing discussion of techniques for learning Rails and Ruby from a PHP perspective.
All tools have their strengths and weaknesses, and we are firm believers in using the best tool for the job. We hope to promote a healthy dialog between Ruby and PHP developers, so that we can learn from each other to make better web applications.
WSO2 Web Services Framework for PHP | WSO2 Oxygen Tank
by nhoizey & 2 othersWSO2 WSF/PHP is a complete solution for building and deploying Web services, and is the only PHP extension with the widest range of WS-* specification implementations
January 2008
October 2007
Avec le projet Phalanger, PHP devient un langage de premier choix sur la plate-forme Microsoft .NET
by nhoizeyPhalanger est un projet Open Source visant à créer une nouvelle implémentation du langage PHP sur la plate-forme .NET de Microsoft. A ce jour, phpBB, phpMyAdmin ou encore Wordpress fonctionnent sur Phalanger sans aucune modification dans leur code sour
by nhoizeyRécuperation du login NTLM en php pour une identification de l'user automatique.
Nati Shalom's Blog: Why most large-scale Web sites are not written in Java
by nhoizeyThe application stack of these Web applications is very different from the stack that mission-critical applications in the financial world are built with.
September 2007
WSGI makes us faster, simpler, nicer! « DevjaVu Blog
by nhoizeyWith mod_php you can assume that if Apache is up, the app is up. [...] mod_wsgi, boasted faster performance than mod_python, and was easier to configure. I realized Trac had WSGI support. Pages are loading almost twice as fast! Our setup is simpler too.
August 2007
Julien Lecomte’s Blog » Gzip Your Minified JavaScript Files
by nhoizey & 1 otherFor optimal performance, gzip your JavaScript code, and stay away from “advanced” JavaScript compression schemes that look attractive on paper, but end up degrading the performance of your site.
Meta20 » phpQuery - a jQuery port to PHP
by nhoizey & 1 otherphpQuery is PHP-port of jQuery - well known and great web2.0 JS library
Quercus: PHP in Java
by nhoizey & 2 othersQuercus is Caucho Technology's fast, open-source, 100% Java implementation of the PHP language.
sfPageFlowPlugin - symfony - Trac
by nhoizeyThe sfPageFlowPlugin plugin controlls complicated page flow.