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PUBLIC MARKS with tags php & "web 2.0"


Anthony Catel’s Blog » Créer une application facebook en PHP

by holyver
Vous hébergez vous même votre application. Lorsque quelqu’un se rend sur votre application, facebook va se connecter à votre page, l’interpréter (transformer le FBML, etc…) et afficher le résultat dans le “canvas” (c’est à dire comme une page facebook classique) héritant donc du style CSS et mise en page de facebook.


symfony Web PHP Framework » About

by mozkart
Symfony is a web application framework for PHP5 projects. It aims to speed up the creation and maintenance of web applications, and to replace the repetitive coding tasks by power, control and pleasure. The very small number of prerequisites make symfony easy to install on any configuration; you just need Unix or Windows with a web server and PHP 5 installed. It is compatible with almost every database system. In addition, it has a very small overhead, so the benefits of the framework don't come at the cost of an increase of hosting costs. Using symfony is so natural and easy for people used to PHP and the design patterns of Internet applications that the learning curve is reduced to less than a day. The clean design and code readability will keep your delays short. Developers can apply agile development principles (such as DRY, KISS or the XP philosophy) and focus on applicative logic without losing time to write endless XML configuration files. Symfony is aimed at building robust applications in an enterprise context. This means that you have full control over the configuration: from the directory structure to the foreign libraries, almost everything can be customized. To match your enterprise's development guidelines, symfony is bundled with additional tools helping you to test, debug and document your project. Last but not least, by choosing symfony you get the benefits of an active open-source community. It is entirely free and published under the MIT license. Symfony is sponsored by Sensio, a French Web Agency well known for its innovative views on web development.


jQuery suckerFish

by roulian & 1 other
Cascadig Menu for jQuery


by roulian & 77 others
jQuery is a fast, concise, JavaScript Library that simplifies how you traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add Ajax interactions to your web pages. jQuery is designed to change the way that you write JavaScript.

alphaWorks Services | QEDWiki | Overview

by CharlesNepote & 3 others
"QEDWiki is a browser-based assembly canvas used to create simple mash-ups. A mash-up maker is an assembly environment in which the creator of a mash-up uses software components (or services) made available by content providers. QEDWiki is a unique Wiki framework in that it provides both Web users and developers with a single Web application framework for hosting and developing a broad range of Web 2.0 applications."

xajax PHP Class Library

by roulian & 16 others
Ajax-enable your PHP application with a simple toolkit that gets the job done fast. Runs on any PHP 4.3.x/PHP 5.x and Apache/IIS platform.


Scripts and programs

by manilodisan1 & 2 others is a directory that offers a wide selection of scripts, programs and any kind of web development tools.

Pixelpost :: Authentic Photoblog Flavour

by boninmat & 19 others
Système pour la création de photoblogs facile à installer et configurer, mulitlingue et prêt à l'emploi avec de nombreuses fonctionnalités : création automatique de miniatures, édition, commentaires, thèmes, flux rss, gestion des données EXIF, calendrier, plusieurs images par jour, multi-catégories...

Pligg Beta

by camel & 32 others
Pligg is Web 2.0 Content Management System (CMS) unlike any other existing CMS. Pligg's Web 2.0 user interface gives your visitors a reason to come back to your site by making them decide on the site's content and giving them the chance to social network. By giving users the ability to collaboratively submit and dismiss articles, you are offering an experience that users are happy to take part in on a daily basis.

PHP Tag Cloud Tutorial (Nuage de mots )

by dzc (via)
"extrait de code pour produire un nuage de mots à partir d'une base de données. La requête SQL devra être adaptée pour rechercher les mots et leur occurrences dans la table, mais cela permet de l'adapter à de nombreux schéma. " (nexen)

SOA : IBM ouvre WebSphere Application Server à PHP - Actualités Middleware - Le Monde Informatique

by nhoizey
D'ici à la fin du mois, IBM mettra à disposition des développeurs un kit d'intégration PHP pour son serveur d'applications Websphere Application Server (WAS) Community Edition. Cet ajout permettra d'utiliser conjointement PHP et Java afin de déployer des applications plus dynamiques. IBM pense notamment aux applications de type Web 2.0 qui pourront être réalisées plus rapidement.

Top 10 des librairies de Développement Web

by yotsumi & 20 others
Site anglais regroupant des liens vers les 10 meilleurs librairies de développement web ( surtout Javascript + PHP ). Excellent pour les développer Ajax, Web2.0


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