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PEAR :: Package :: System_Daemon

by kasi77 (via)
System_Daemon is a PHP class that allows developers to create their own daemon applications on Linux systems. The class is focussed entirely on creating spawning standalone daemons, and for example includes: 1. Methods to generate OS-specific startup-files (init.d) (currently only Debian/Ubuntu are supported), so that your application gets started on reboot as well. 2. Methods for logging purposes 3. Simple syntax 4. Support for PEAR's Log package 5. Can run with or without PEAR (PEAR adds more elegance & functionality) 6. Default signal handlers, but optionally reroute signals to your own handlers. 7. Log levels comply with PEAR_LOG_ levels but are called SYSTEM_DAEMON_LOG_ for (in)dependency reasons 8. Set options like max RAM usage Une alternative à


PEAR :: Package :: PHP_DocBlockGenerator

by mbertier
Creates the file Page block and the DocBlocks for includes, global variables, functions, parameters, classes, constants, properties and methods. Accepts parameters to set the category name, the package name, the author's name and email, the license, the package link, etc... Attempts to guess variable and parameters types.


Poo-tee-weet - blog

by nhoizey (via)
a show case of some of the new features in MDB2. especially to demo some PHP5 specific features

PHP5 Power Programming

by zelda & 3 others
Un livre en anglais/américain de 750 pages sur PHP 5 (Web Services, PEAR ...)

Introduction to PHP 5 PDO - SitePoint PHP Blog

by nhoizey (via)
Although there are already some PHP database abstraction classes available, the advantage of PDO is that it will be available in any PHP installation (so long as it is enabled) at runtime, without any need for recompiling. In addition, since it has been written from scratch specifically for PHP 5, it has a high level of performance. And if you are like me and often only want the key features, then PDO provides all the essential functions you need to connect to different databases. If you need the "full works", then the PEAR MDB2 package can handle that.

PHP5 Power Programming

by kalooni & 3 others
Un livre en anglais/américain de 750 pages sur PHP 5 (Web Services, PEAR ...)

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