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PUBLIC MARKS with tags podcast & service

December 2006


by wabaus
podCast hosting for $0 - $30 per month (200 - 2,000 GB -- unmetered bandwidth)

July 2006

AudioSnacks Digital Audio Tours

by anbll
Interesting project, it seems... lu en diagonale, il s'agit d'un service de podcast touristique payant (au téléchargement).

June 2006

BlogMatrix - Welcome (-)

by ycc2106
BlogMatrix provides an easy-to-use web-based solution for audio and video podcasting.

May 2006 - Podcast Transcript Search and Transcription Service

by slogoo & 4 others
Castingwords可以将播客的音频文件转换成文本文件, 这样播客可以将文本文件连同音频文件一起发布, 这些文本会被搜索引擎收录并被给这个播客带来流量. 这个转换工作由人工完成, 当然还会加 coming soon...

by ycc2106 & 7 others
blogr is a web service that provides you space to store and share your photos, videos, audios and blog-entries in just a few clicks.

waxxi: interactive podcasts and a global online community

by ycc2106
As popular as podcasting has become, we thought – wouldn’t it be great if people who are typically listening to a podcast, could be a part of it? They could participate in it, both the day it is recorded and after.

April 2006

Big in Japan: Web 2.0 Toolbox

by ycc2106 & 3 others
Loom large with our simple toolkit. Host and create podcasts in a whole new way, manage multiple feeds, make your URL's work harder, keep your reading lists safe, make your feeds available via mail, IM & SMS, convert email into RSS and much, much more. Mix it up. Mash it up. You, too, can be big in Japan.

pulverati | home

by ycc2106 & 1 other
pulverati is a new web tool that keeps track of the greater IP Community. Create private or public watchlists, supports podcasts

March 2006

Podbasket - the easy way to build podcasts

by ycc2106 & 3 others
Podbasket allows you to create your own podcast feed just by providing the URLs for offsite audio files.


by ycc2106 & 8 others
The Feed2Podcast engine instantly turns your blog's RSS feed into a Podcast. - Podcast Transcript Search and Transcription Service

by ycc2106 & 4 others
Podacst to text. 42 cents a minute. # A quick human transcription - often within 24 hours. # Transcriptions in plain text, html and rtf. Or submit a MP3 or RSS feed now:

podOmatic Podcast Portal: Make it, get it, go!

by ycc2106 & 3 others
Create, find, send podcasts. Use podMail to send mp3s and video to anyone.

Slidestory Home

by ycc2106 & 1 other
Take whats great about sharing high resolution pictures and podcasting on the web and what do you get? Slidestory. Slidestory is a new and exciting way to share photos and narrate in your own voice, lending a more personal flair to picture sharing and podcasting.

Talkr -- Letting blogs speak for themselves

by ycc2106 & 12 others
Talkr allows you to listen to text-only blogs on your iPod.


by ycc2106 & 14 others
Loomia is a search engine which utilized users collective intelligence by providing discovery services. Loomia crawls all the blogs for audio and video files and letting users to tag the content they like.

by ycc2106
CrossPod's a service to host your podcast promos (short audio clips).

February 2006 - Baustelle

by ycc2106 & 1 other takes your weblog entries via your RSS feed, automagically converts your posts into spoken words and gives you back your very own podcast. If you'd like to be notified when goes public, please enter your email adress:

December 2005

Public dial on GigaDial

by rickdog & 3 others
GigaDial is a new approach to radio programming. You can use it to create and subscribe to podcast-powered stations composed of individual episodes from your favorite podcasters. To subscribe, browse the list of recently updated stations below, or the lis

November 2005

Fruitcast - Podcast advertising

by gweb & 9 others
Fruitcast automates the process of inserting ads into podcasts.

October 2005


by gweb & 6 others
Revver lets you share your videos with thousands of people

September 2005

podOmatic podcast portal: Make it, get it, go

by cnkenlee & 13 others

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag podcast

audio +   audioblog +   blog +   blogger +   blogs +   converter +   delicious +   media +   mp3 +   podcasting +   radio +   rss +   services +   software +   syndication +   text-to-speech +   tools +  

Active users

last mark : 01/12/2006 19:56

last mark : 31/07/2006 09:01

last mark : 17/06/2006 22:54

last mark : 26/05/2006 13:02

last mark : 20/05/2006 07:55

last mark : 10/05/2006 16:13

last mark : 30/12/2005 00:14

last mark : 04/11/2005 11:11

last mark : 11/09/2005 07:12