May 2008
Push My Follow » A podcast about social media and other things
by springnet@pushmyfollow Michael Gaines @istarman - Joe Cascio @joec0914 - Eric Rice @spin - Christine Cavalier @purplecar - Sarah Vela @orchid8 - Ann Boccio @banannie7 podcast about twitter and socialnets ... recommended
April 2008
The Last Podcast
by springnetWith Alert Thingy and now Twhirl, the market for FriendFeed desktop apps already feel crowded. The development cycles for both apps are extremely fast and the Twhirl developers arerumored to release a new version tonight.
April 2007
O’Flaherty - » TWiT and Twitter! Good for each other?
by springnetNot so smart! Sorry Leo, but I don’t think it’s the best idea to want to disassociate yourself with Twitter because the name is similar to TWiT.
(5 marks)