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PUBLIC MARKS with tag pop


K-pop - Wikipédia

by shadoko
K-pop (une abréviation de korean pop, la pop coréenne ou la musique populaire de Corée) est un genre musical originaire de Corée du Sud. La K-pop est devenue une véritable sous-culture à travers l'Asie, basée sur le style des groupes et chanteurs populaires.



YouTube - Chaîne de MysteryGuitarMan

by fotopol
Mystery Guitar Man, un remarquable guitariste qui manie en qualité pro le montage pro audio et video A écouter absolument

PRINCETON sur MySpace Music - Ecoute gratuite de MP3, Photos et clips vidéos

by Krome

Télécharge Flash maintenant !

Pour écouter ou regarder ce contenu, tu dois mettre à jour ta version du logiciel Flash.


Basic Hip Digital Gold | American records from the 50's, 60's, and beyond | downloads

by garret
"Here you will find hundreds of downloadable record albums. We specialize in exotica, moog, soundtracks, pop instrumentals and oddities from the fifties and sixties. In addition to our popular MP3 Collections, we have added a new feature, The Album of the Week."

Basic Hip Digital Oddio | American records from the 50's, 60's, and beyond

by garret & 3 others
"Basic Hip Digital Oddio collects records from the fifties, sixties and beyond, focusing on soundtracks, pop instrumentals and incredibly strange music." Some albums are available for streaming and some for sale (downloads, cd's).

The Axis of Awesome : 4 Chords (Live)

by nhoizey
Tous les grands succès pop sont basés sur les mêmes 4 accords, ça fait mal ! Tous ceux qui sont là en tout cas...

YALSA | Top Albums of 2008 | January 6th, 2009

by garret
"Pop ruled 2008. From indie to hip-hop to dance to punk, no genre was immune to pop’s grasp. Even pop got poppier! In no particular order, here are my picks for the must-have albums for teen music collections in 2008."

MX Lookup Tool - Check your DNS MX Records online

by totoleheros & 1 other
ABOUT MX LOOKUP This test will list MX records for a domain in priority order. The MX lookup is done directly against the domain's authoritative name server, so changes to MX Records should show up instantly. You can click Diagnostics, which will connect to the mail server, verify reverse DNS records, perform a simple Open Relay check and measure response time performance. You may also check each MX record (IP Address) against 147 DNS based blacklists. (Commonly called RBLs, DNSBLs)

Electric Duncan: Twisted Mail Server: The Conclusion

by greut, 1 comment

A playground Pythonic email server, like Zed's SOS maybe.


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