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PUBLIC MARKS with tag powerpc



Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)

by effraie
Télécharger ubuntu powerpc

by effraie
dépot de paquets debian pour ubuntu powerpc

Ubuntu sur mac, quelques astuces. - Effraie@Blog!

by effraie
Je recense ici mes billets concernant la configuration et l'utilisation de ubuntu sur mon Ibook g4 12" (1.2Ghz). Ces billets devraient convenir également a la plupart des configurations proches.

Not interested in Vista part 2

by luclodder
Today I was wondering again why I am not interested in a new OS with a lot of new technology. When I think back in time, I always installed new OS's because I was always looking/hoping for a better one, or at least just to check it out. Going WAY back in time, I bought my first computer at age 12. It was a Commodore 64


A Mac that run Windows

by i638b
In this short article I have summarized the latest turn in Apple switching to Intel processors and my speculation on the upcoming OS feature that matches its hardware. A special note is how this will change what people think of the new Macs and the Mac's grand entrance to the mainstream market.

MacGeneration - Special WWDC 05

by jerome & 1 other
Bye bye PowerPC, bonjour Intel !!!!!!!!

PowerPC assembly

by lunar
Assembly language is not widely known among the programming community these days, and PowerPC assembly is even more exotic. Hollis Blanchard presents an overview of assembly language from a PowerPC perspective and contrasts examples for three architectures: ia32, ppc, and ppc64.


powerpc notes

by macroron
think secret (forthcoming single-core 970gx, low-power g5)

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag powerpc

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