public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag presence

June 2007


by cyberien
Hictu is a new Web application which allows users to provide and receive availability information about their contacts. Through a one-to-one, secure authorization mechanism users can invite their contacts and in just few minutes retrieve a useful set of information regarding their availability and communication means. See Hictu blog for the latest news, to discuss its evolution and give us a feedback to build new features. Hictu: Your Presence

Stalking 2.0: The Websites that Track Your Every Move (Voluntarily!)

by springnet
we round up 12 services that want to track your every move - voluntarily. of interest to twitterers.

May 2007


by springnet & 2 others, 5 comments
A global community couple of servers answering one simple question: What's your website doing? Receive answers on your phone, IM, or right here on the web!

April 2007

fring - Mobile VoIP application for cellular handsets

by springnet & 13 others
fring™ uses your mobile internet connection to make peer-to-peer VoIP calls, send instant messages and talk with VoIP applications such as Skype, Google Talk , MSN Messenger and SIP at no extra cost.

March 2006

RFC 3921 : Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP): Instant Messaging and Presence - P. Saint-Andre, Ed. - Jabber Software Foundation - October 2004

by digitalmonkey
"This memo describes extensions to and applications of the core features of the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) that provide the basic instant messaging (IM) and presence functionality defined in RFC 2779".

Internet-Draft : An ACAP Dataset Classes for Presence List and Authorization Policy - draft-rosenberg-simple-acap-data-00 - J. Rosenberg , dynamicsoft - February 23, 2003 - Expires: August 24, 2003

by digitalmonkey
"This specification discusses the applicability and usage of the ACAP for the client manipulation of presence lists (also known as buddy lists), and presence authorization policy".

February 2006

January 2006

Voice 2.0

by imran
A Manifesto for the Future

December 2005

Honey, I'm home!

by imran
In the old world, the economic activity started when the phone call began. In the new world, that’s when it ends. The money is all in presence, social networking, filtering, privacy management...

October 2005

Web Hosting & Registracija Domena

by 1_one
PONDI web presence provider je vodeci hrvatski web hosting provider koji nudi sirok spektar profesionalnih usluga i rjesenja namijenjenih privatnim, poslovnim i neprofitnim klijentima.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag presence

google +   modules +   tags +   usenet +  

Active users

last mark : 28/06/2007 23:56

last mark : 21/06/2007 14:01

last mark : 21/03/2006 11:48

last mark : 08/02/2006 00:18

last mark : 01/02/2006 09:18

last mark : 26/01/2006 23:16

last mark : 07/10/2005 23:19