11 March 2006
RobLab ~Robert Nyman
by HeT & 1 other (via)divided into three sections: CSS, JavaScript and Web Browsers.
Robert’s Talk Blog ~Robert Nyman
by HeT & 1 other (via)news, trends and developing for internet, mainly focusing on web browsers and web user interfaces
10 March 2006
17 February 2006
Discussions regarding the development of Fedora Core - fedora-devel-list
by macroronGmane -- Mail To News And Back Again gmane.linux.redhat.fedora.devel
12 February 2006
11 February 2006
07 February 2006
A Short Tutorial on XMLHttpRequest
by macroron & 1 otherhow to build a web page that responds to asynchronous events. In five simple exercises, we'll show you the core of an Asychronous JavaScript And XML (AJAX) application. You'll have to learn a little JavaScript, but there's no requirement to learn anything
31 January 2006
Planet Diaz - Your new programming community!
by macrorona fully functional online programming resource for programmers all around the world.
28 January 2006
27 January 2006
Welcome to perlmeme.org
by macrorona collection of Frequently Asked Questions, "How To" documents, and tutorials about the very cool Perl programming language.
23 January 2006
21 January 2006
common lisp: a web application tutorial for beginners
by macroron & 2 othersHow do you set up lisp so that it can be used to serve webpages?
18 January 2006
Free Software Blog: ODOC - one day one (shell) command
by macroronNews, tutorials, tips and tricks about Free Softwares
Free Software Blog Home - ODOC - one day one (shell) command
by macroronNews, tutorials, tips and tricks about Free Softwares
17 January 2006
ETH Oberon home page - modern integrated software environment.
by macroronComputer Systems Institute at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. a single-user, multi-tasking system that runs on bare hardware or on top of a host operating system. Oberon - a programming language in the Pascal/Modula tradition.
Publications ~Niklaus Wirth
by macroronProgramming in Oberon (2004) - A derivative of Programming in Modula-2 (1982) [PDF (334 KB)] Algorithms and Data Structures (1985) (Oberon version: August 2004) [PDF (1'241 KB)]
16 January 2006
Linux Information Portal: Howto, Help, Tutorials and Information
by macroron & 3 othersThis site is dedicated to providing tutorials, help, guides and links for Linux users.
Codespeak Home
by macroron & 1 otherthe codespeak project currently hosts the following free/open source software projects. pypy which aims to implement the Python language completely in Python itself. kupu, a feature-rich, JavaScript client-side WYSIWIG editor. +++
PyPy: Documents
by macroronThe PyPy project aims at producing a flexible and fast Python implementation. The guiding idea is to translate a Python-level description of the Python language itself to lower level languages. Rumors have it that the secret goal is being faster-than-C wh