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21 January 2006 04:00

Merging PST Files

by Northwind (via)
Recently, a friend was telling me that someone in her department quit their job, and she inherited all of that person’s E-mail. However, she wanted to be able to access all of the old messages through a single mailbox, but the most that her IT department had been able to do was to move the other person’s messages into a PST file and then make the PST file accessible to my friend through Outlook. However, as I explained to my friend, there is a way of merging two PST files together so that you don’t have to deal with the hassle of working with multiple personal folders. While the technique that I’m about to show you works great in the situation that I’ve just described, it works really well in disaster recovery situations as well. When I worked for the Army, a particular officer had a damaged PST file. I used the Inbox Repair Tool to fix the file, but still didn’t completely trust the stability of the file. Therefore, I configured Outlook to use a brand new empty PST file, and then I merged the salvaged data from the damaged PST file into the new file, thus creating a stable PST file.

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