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PUBLIC MARKS with tags rdf & web



by Xavier Lacot
this document defines an API for extracting structurated information from web pages, using the RDFa formalism.


Technologies du Web Sémantique pour l'Entrepise 2.0

by parmentierf (via)
Thèse de doctorat (informatique) d'Alexandre Passant - 9 juin 2009

Stop Justifying RDF and RDFa | Bb RealTech

by tehu (via)

I did want to apologize for assuming that the XHTML errors I had recently were due to WhatWG members having fun at my expense. I've had people deliberately break my XHTML-based comments in the past when I've written about XHTML, and the break was documented with a screenshot in the web site of a WhatWG member. I put 2 and 2 together and came up with 5. (1/10/2009)

Anne VK est taquin (see via). -- Ceci dit j'admire Shelley pour maintenir ses sites en full xhtml + extensions > svg+rdfa. Mais Dieu que la route est difficile avec des navigateurs si peu adaptés. (Firefox et son yellow screen of death)

Limites du modèle relationnel et Web sémantique | Les petites cases

by parmentierf
en quoi les technologies du Web sémantique constituent des réponses à certaines limites du modèle des bases de données relationnelles et donc en quoi elles peuvent avoir leur place dans les systèmes d'information traditionnelles

inkdroid » Blog Archive » VocabularySoup (1)

by parmentierf
It’s been great to see RDFa being picked up by web2.0 publishers like Digg and MySpace. You can use the RDFa Distiller to extract the RDFa from a given web page

D2RQ - Treating Non-RDF Databases as Virtual RDF Graphs - Chris Bizer

by parmentierf (via)
D2RQ is a declarative language to describe mappings between relational database schemata and OWL/RDFS ontologies. The D2RQ Platform uses these mapping to enables applications to access a RDF-view on a non-RDF database through the Jena and Sesame APIs, as well as over the Web via the SPARQL Protocol and as Linked Data.

Using the Semantic Web for Genealogy

by xibe

(...) genealogy seems to be an obvious application of an RDF ontology and the Semantic web. I've investigated making use of RDF and the Semantic Web for Family History. The results of my investigation are here on this web page. In my work, I created a program to translate files in GEDCOM format to XML. I also wrote several stylesheets which translated the data into a new format GEDCOM XML, HTML, and RDF.

Sμblog | James Tizard

by greut (via)

Sμblog (pronounced sub-log) is is my attempt to combine ideas about microblogging, messaging and the sematic web into a practical tool ready for everyday work.

XMPP to RDF microblogging tool, quite nice and well documented.


by parmentierf & 1 other
Inspired by Yahoo's Pipes, DERI Web Data Pipes implement a generalization which can also deal with formats such as RDF (RDFa), Microformats and generic XML.


Calais Pipes | OpenCalais

by parmentierf
The OpenCalais Web service can analyze text and provide rich semantic data for submitted text. With Yahoo! Pipes users can easily create custom RSS feeds. The Calais Pipes Service allows Yahoo! Pipes users to enrich their custom RSS feeds with semantic metadata.

OpenLink Data Explorer :: Modules pour Firefox

by Xavier Lacot
Exposes RDF based Linked Data Sources associated with Web Pages.

Archive of W3C News in 2008

by CharlesNepote

2008-10-15: The Semantic Web Deployment Working Group and the XHTML2 Working Group published the W3C Recommendation RDFa in XHTML: Syntax and Processing. This specification allows publishers to express structured data on the Web within XHTML. This allows tools to read it, enabling a new world of user functionality, allowing users to transfer structured data between applications and web sites, and allowing browsing applications to improve the user experience. For those looking for an introduction to the use of RDFa and some real-world examples, please consult the updated RDFa Primer. Learn more about the Semantic Web Activity and the HTML Activity.

SPARQLBot - Your Semantic Web Commandline - benjamin nowack's blog

by parmentierf (via)
SPARQLBot is a web-based service that reads and writes Semantic Web data based on simple, human-friendly commands received via IRC or the Web. The command base can be freely extended using a browser-based editor. SPARQLBot can process microformats, RSS, several RDF serializations, and results from parameterized SPARQL queries.

Introduction to Jena

by solveig_vidal (via)
Introduction to Jena Use RDF models in your Java applications with the Jena Semantic Web Framework

Easy RDF and SPARQL for LAMP systems - ARC RDF Classes for PHP

by parmentierf & 2 others (via)
ARC is a flexible RDF system for semantic web and PHP practitioners. It's free, open-source, easy to use, and runs in most web server environments.

A la découverte du Web sémantique » SlideShare

by parmentierf & 1 other (via)
Diaporama présentant les buts et les technologies du Web sémanti

Your Contacts, the Webby Way - knowee

by parmentierf & 1 other (via)
knowee is an open-source web contact organizer (or "online social graph manager" for better buzzword compliance). It's decentralized and lets you aggregate, track, organize, and share information about you and the people you know.

Planning a Semantic Web site

by parmentierf
The Semantic Web brings with it the opportunities for users to get smarter search results, and for site owners to get more targeted traffic as users find what they really want. But these benefits don't just magically appear. This article leads you through the aspects of both information architecture and general infrastructure you need in place to truly take advantage of this burgeoning opportunity.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag rdf

analyseur syntaxique +   barcamp +   cms +   erdf +   imdb +   json +   microformat +   parseur +   php +   presentation +   rdfa +   rdfs +   SPARQL +   turtle +   web sémantique +   websemantic +   wiki +   xhtml +   xml +  

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Xavier Lacot
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