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PUBLIC MARKS with tag relationship


Gestion de contacts et suivi commercial - logiciel CRM

by eandrieux
Logiciel CRM complét, simple et facile à mettre en oeuvre pour gérer vos contacts professionnels, vos tâches et vos opportunités commerciales. Dotée d'une interface claire et intuitive, Ronin CRM vous aidera dans le suivi et la gestion de votre activité commerciale que vous soyez un indépendant, une tpe ou une pme. - Gestion de contacts - Suivi des tâches et des actvitées (rendez-vous, contacts téléphoniques, ...) - Gestion des documents liés aux contacts - Planning d'équipe - Gestion des opportunités commerciales - Ciblage marketing (export Excel) - Synchronisation avec le calendrier Outlook - Getsion de documents modèles (comme les devis ou factures sous Excel ou Word)

2007 » How I Do

by anbll (via)
considerations on building a relationship with someone "suffering from a mental illness". = depression...

Rules for Office Romance

by F&L
Office romance can work if you follow its rules. On the other hand, even if you follow all the rules, there is no guarantee that everything will go on as planned.

Sex Myths That Can Ruin Even the Strongest Relationship

by F&L
There are many sex myths, that if followed blindly, can ruin even the strongest relationship.

Meeting Your Lover's Parents

by F&L
Very often your lover's parents are just nice people and you don't have to devise complex schemes to impress them but sometimes you need to prepare in advance about the moment of meeting them.

Children as Relationship Glue

by webbers & 1 other
Children can't save an unhappy marriage - they simply prolong the agony.

Does Cheating End a Relationship?

by webbers
It depends. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't.


Survive Relationship | Heal Broken Heart | Sex Relationships Advice

by gqdjkk
If you need more help then this article can offer seek us out at Sex and Relationships for more advice on sex, sexuality and relationships.

Edition de logiciels, formations, conseils, assistance sur WinDev - logiciel crm

by eandrieux
Société spécialisée dans l'édition de logiciels dédiés au management d'entreprise, notamment en gestion d'équipes et en management commercial. Conseils, consultant indépendant, expertises, formations et assistance sur le logiciel WinDev. Gestion de la relation client (customer relationship management) et outils crm.

Logiciel crm simple, économique et efficace pour les indépendants, les tpe et les pme

by eandrieux
Logiciel crm simple, économique et efficace pour organiser votre travail en équipes autour des relations que vous avez avec vos prospects, clients et partenaires. Gestion de la Relation Client (grc) - Gestion de contacts professionnels - Suivi de forces de ventes - Partage de documents - Planning d'equipe - Suivi de tâches et de temps passés - Portefeuille d'opportunites (affaires) - Ciblage marketing - Synchronisation des RDV avec MS Outlook

Auto updating inspirational quote box

by douglaswalker
This is a great tool for your blog or website. It is a small auto updating text box which contains an inspirational quote and a small image. Fits easily into sidebars or where ever you want. It is really easy just cut and paste a few lines of code into your template or site code. I have it at my site and my visitors really like the simple messages.

Letter to God - Write a letter to your God and read other peoples

by douglaswalker
Ever wanted to ask God something? Now you can Write a letter to your God. Interesting to read letters that others have left. Gives you a great insight into the Human condition. We really all want the same thing. Overseen by someone called The Helper

Breaking Up is Hard to Do

by SirSmitts
A funny article about the problems with "dumping" an acquaintence of the same sex

友享部落 :: 轉載:因為「重視」,所以「吵架」

by felixlaumon
Quote 上 Quote: 想想,原來最常跟我們有爭執的人竟然都是跟我們最親密的人,而能夠跟我們發生爭執的人也對我們有一定的瞭解,所以有人常說『吵架』也是一種溝通,而願意跟你吵架的人,才是真正想瞭解你的人。

拙劍園: 為人父母之修行

by felixlaumon

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag relationship

care +   christian +   christianity +   design +   faith +   god +   inspiration +   love +   metaphysical +   muslim +   quote +   religion +   social +   tools +   web +   write +  

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