Dev.Opera — Responsive Images: Use Cases and Documented Code Snippets to Get You Started
by SponeFinally, true responsive images are becoming a reality on the web — in pure HTML, without convoluted hacks. The picture element and a couple of new attributes for the img element are behind a flag in Chromium 37 and shipping in Chromium 38 (so coming soon in Opera), in Firefox Nightly and are being implemented in WebKit (although it remains to be seen if Apple will ship it in the next version of Safari).
The new picture element can be verbose and confusing, because it solves a range of use cases. To help you match your requirements to the responsive image syntax, we’ve prepared this article full of examples.
Responsive images – end of year report | HTML5 Doctor
by srcmaxIt’s nearly two years since I suggested a picture element as a strawman proposal as a way to solve the problem of responsive images, so let’s have a look at how we’re doing.
ReSRC - Responsive images on demand, direct from the cloud
by greggReSRC delivers responsive images on-demand, direct from the cloud. Link your images to our super simple service and let us take care of everything.
by srcmax & 1 otherThe goal of this technique is to deliver optimized, contextual image sizes in responsive layouts that utilize dramatically different image sizes at different resolutions. Ideally, this could enable developers to start with mobile-optimized images in their HTML and specify a larger size to be used for users with larger screen resolutions -- without requesting both image sizes, and without UA sniffing.
Adaptive Images in HTML
by srcmax & 8 othersA drop-in solution that automatically creates, caches, and delivers device-appropriate versions of your website’s images. No mark-up changes needed. Adaptive Images is intended for use with Responsive Designs and to be combined with Fluid Image techniques.
Adaptive Images in HTML
by Spone & 8 othersA drop-in solution that automatically creates, caches, and delivers device-appropriate versions of your website’s images. No mark-up changes needed. Adaptive Images is intended for use with Responsive Designs and to be combined with Fluid Image techniques.
filamentgroup/Responsive-Images - GitHub
by Spone & 1 otherAn Experiment with Mobile-First Images that Scale Responsively & Responsibly
(12 marks)