public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags rss & live


pubsubhubbub - Project Hosting on Google Code

by ycc2106
A simple, open, server-to-server web-hook-based pubsub (publish/subscribe) protocol as an extension to Atom and RSS. Parties (servers) speaking the PubSubHubbub protocol can get near-instant notifications (via webhook callbacks) when a topic (feed URL) they're interested in is updated.


by rickdog & 3 others
Assemble your feeds into categorized groups called bundles. Publish your favorite bundles with a single combined rss feed. Share your favorite feeds with old friends and new friends.

lazytom's FeedJumbler - work your feeds!™

by rickdog & 11 others
* Convert a RSS or Atom-based feed into RSS, Atom and/or HTML and JavaScript * Merge/splice several RSS or Atom-based feeds into one combined RSS and/or Atom feed * Put an RSS feed (or merged feed) on your webpage using an IFrame or JavaScript)

xFruits - Compose your information system

by rickdog
With xFruits, mix and make delicious mixtures of feeds for blog, mobile and startpage. un:rd pw:drib +feedmixer,RSS,personal doesn't remove dupes

Zoka: live tags

by ycc2106
site that lets you watch the activity of in real-time

user account |

by ycc2106 & 1 other
All you need to know, across all of your blogs: Real-time blog statistics Track mutiple blogs with one user account RSS 2.0 feeds for your news reader

FeedCatch - RSS archiver by

by rickdog & 8 others
archives everything for a given feed

Blogdigger Groups - Beta

by rickdog & 2 others

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag rss

exporter +   opml +   spip +  

Active users

last mark : 13/10/2009 18:09

last mark : 11/08/2006 04:12