public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag rss-reader

March 2006

Greg Reinacker's Weblog - Image aggregator prototype

by misskitty4280
If you're one of those types who is completely caught up with all of your unread feeds, you won't see anything. But if you have unread stuff, you'll see a compilation of all of the images in your unread posts. If you click on one, that post will get marked as read in NG/Online, and you'll get linked out to the post.

November 2005

October 2005

June 2005

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag rss-reader

ajax +   bookmark +   lang:en +   RSSReader +   web-app +  

Active users

last mark : 28/03/2006 17:53

last mark : 10/11/2005 08:03

last mark : 01/06/2005 10:24