public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag sci-fi


Star Wars: Uncut

by everyueveryme
You and 472 other people have the chance to recreate Star Wars: A New Hope.


Scary Movies: The 50 Scariest Moments In Science Fiction

by bouilloire
"Cloverfield (2008) Scariest moment: The tunnel part. "Okay, just to be clear here, our options are: die here, die in the tunnels, or die in the streets. That pretty much it?"" faut pas déconner non plus !

The Internet Speculative Fiction Database

by jdrsantos
The ISFDB is a community effort to catalog works of science fiction, fantasy, and horror. It links together various types of bibliographic data: author bibliographies, publication bibliographies, award listings, magazine content listings, anthology and co

Mars Attacks Archives Gallery

by everyueveryme
In 1962, Topps released the bubble-gum cards known as "Mars Attacks". They were the creation of Len Brown and Woody Gelman. They were painted by the famous pulp-comic artist, Norm Saunders. Presented here, for the first time on the Net, are scanned reproductions of their genius...


R2D2 Translator

by everyueveryme & 6 others
Type some text and it will be translated into R2D2 language


by bonzelfe (via)
Films en vo de série (horreur, science-fiction, kung-fu)... Beaucoup de films en noir et blanc dont "Night of The Living Dead", un classique !


by fotopol & 5 others
Podcast francophone des littératures de l'imaginaire.

kb gallery: featuring original science fiction and fantasy art

by jdrsantos
Original science fiction and fantasy art from collectible card games (Magic the Gathering, Legend of the Five Rings) to comic book pages and covers.

Fantasy Art - Epilogue: Fantasy and Sci-fi at their best(c)

by jdrsantos
Epilogue is all about Fantasy Art. We are an online art gallery and community of today's most talented artists and illustrators, specializing in science fiction and fantasy art. Founded by artists for artists, our sole purpose is to help fellow artists to

Welcome to Allen

by jdrsantos
artwork of sci-fi / horror / fantasy artist, Allen Koszowski - otherwise known as Allen K.

Kurt Vonnegut dies at 84

by Elvezio
Kurt Vonnegut died yesterday. So long Mr Kilgore Trout...


by LuciferX & 5 others : Le premier portail francophone de l'imaginaire : Science-Fiction, Fantastique, Fantasy et Horreur

Green Lantern: Rebirth

by Elvezio
Positive review for this volume that tells the return of Hal Jordan, the one and only real Green Lantern!

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last mark : 15/02/2007 23:16