public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags science & t

January 2006

Foreign Affairs - A Natural History of Peace - Robert M. Sapolsky

by mikepower
Contrary to what was believed just a few decades ago, humans are not "killer apes" destined for violent conflict, but can make their own history.

Richard Dawkins: Beyond belief - The renowned evolutionary biologist tells John Crace why he finds the resurgence of religion so annoying

by mikepower
Even secularists talk about Jewish, Catholic and Muslim children. There's no such thing. Children aren't born with a particular religious gene. What they are is children of Jewish, Catholic and Muslim parents. If you started to talk about monetarist or Ma

December 2005

Junk Science - The Top 10 Junk Science Claims of 2005

by mikepower
It’s that time of year again when we at reflect on all the dubious achievements and irresponsible claims made by the junk science community throughout the year.

James Wolcott: Intelligent Design: Opiate of the Dummies

by mikepower
Wielding a sword of truth and a surgical scalpel of reason (he's quite ambidextrous), NRO's John Derbyshire pierces the fatty deposits of bad faith in the postures of religious piety by certain conservative eggheads.

Psychology Today: Stirring Sound of Stress

by mikepower & 1 other
The internal alarm clock. Why we sometimes wake up a minute before the alarm rings.

May 2005

April 2005

Cannabis compound benefits blood vessels - Low dose helps combat formation of arterial blockages.

by mikepower
A compound derived from the cannabis plant protects blood vessels from dangerous clogging, a study of mice has shown. The discovery could lead to new drugs to ward off heart disease and stroke

Life lessons

by mikepower
What is the one thing everyone should learn about science? Spiked asked 250 scientists - here we bring you some of the most provocative responses

March 2005

14 Wild Ideas: Five Of Which Are True!

by mikepower & 1 other
Many Worlds, Medicine Useless, A.I. via Common Sense, Cryonics, Uploads, I'm in Sim, Fast Growth, Growth Stops, Colonize Galaxy, No Aliens, Aliens Came & Left, Private Law, Futarchy, No One Honest.

February 2005

Can This Black Box See Into the Future?

by mikepower & 1 other
Deep in the basement of a dusty university library in Edinburgh lies a small black box, roughly the size of two cigarette packets side by side, that churns out random numbers in an endless stream...

January 2005

Science is where the intellectual story is

by mikepower
What has happened in the past couple of decades has been that scientists have increasingly bypassed the rather supercilious arts intellectuals and seized the intellectual initiative and the intellectual high ground for themselves.

Brain Processes Whistled Language Just as Spoken

by mikepower
The rare Canarian whistled language called the Silbo Gomero is processed by the brain just like a spoken language

December 2004

Pulling Away After Sex

by mikepower
An article on how sex and chemicals interact with each other.

Mind Hacks: Hack 101: Make Eyes (or Anything) in Pictures Follow You

by mikepower
How can you design pictures of faces with eyes that will follow you round the room?

World Sunlight Map:

by mikepower
A Peters projection world map showing current sunlight and cloud cover

November 2004

Superman too super a role model

by mikepower
Superman is too good a role model. Fans of the man from Krypton unwittingly compare themselves to the superhero, and realise they do not measure up. And as a result, they are less likely to help other people. Researchers made the discovery whilst exami

Oh My God It Burns! Practical Applications of the Philosophers stone. For drunks.

by mikepower & 1 other
Turn cheap, nasty vodka into a smooth drinkable spirit using just a Brita filter.

Scientific American: Music and the Brain

by mikepower
Why is music--universally beloved and uniquely powerful in its ability to wring emotions--so pervasive and important to us?

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last mark : 14/01/2006 02:21