El club de la Noticia Plugin Worpress
by waloThis plugin adds an icon to share elclubdelanoticia.cl news and social networking icons at the end of a post so that readers can share arts. compatible with small and large icons.
WordPress › el-club-de-la-noticia « WordPress Plugins
by waloAdds an icon to share [El club de la Noticia](http://elclubdelanoticia.cl/) news and social networking icons at the end of a post for readers to share.
This plugin adds an icon to share elclubdelanoticia.cl news and social networking icons at the end of a post so that readers can share arts. compatible with small and large icons.
The Sect of Homokaasu - The Gematriculator
by slogoo & 6 others输入一个网站地址,然后测试一下这个网站的good/evil程度,嗯,可以测试一下google.cn与google.com,不一样哟.
Bloginfluence - Rate your influence in the blogosphere - SEO tool
by slogoo & 5 others这个网站可以测试一下你的BLOG在互联网中的影响力,更以前的什么博客价值评估之类的差不多。它的计算方法为: [(blog+文章数+反向链接数) + (bloglines订阅数* 2)] * 1+(GooglePR值/10) 。
(11 marks)