3.4 million page views per day, 92 M per month, one server and Drupal
by holyver (via)In this talk, Khalid of 2bits.com, Inc., Inc will talk about a how to scale a Drupal web site with the following statistics.
3.4 million pages per day peak
92 million page views per month
189,650 page views per hour peak
840,000 visits on peak day
22.96 million visits per month
52,747 visits per hour peak
So far, this is the highest traffic a Drupal site gets that we heard of.
What is amazing is that this web site runs on a single mid range server ...
caboose Scale rails from one box to three, four and five
by greut & 1 otherTaking a vanilla rails application from one box and up is a fun process.
Peeking Into Google
by dcancel & 3 othersThe key to the speed and reliability of Google search is cutting up data into chunks, its top engineer said. Urs Hoelzle, Google vice president of operations and vice president of engineering, offered a rare behind-the-scenes tour of Google's architecture
(7 marks)