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PUBLIC MARKS with tags serveur & xen

July 2008

Adminspotting : Zone0, le serveur parfait » UNIX Garden

by camel
L’idée était de profi ter du dimensionnement de ce petit monstre pour monter une plate-forme architecturée autour de Xen. Vous le savez peut-être, chez GCU, on est très BSD. Nous avions donc à l’esprit de monter l’architecture suivante : * dom0 sous NetBSD ; * domU shells, destiné à accueillir des accès ssh pour les membres du groupe ayant cotisé à la mirobolante dîme annuelle ; * domU services, qui hébergera les services classiques hors HTTP ; * domU gcu où se trouvera le site principal et ses moult plugins ; * domU www, domaine où nous hébergerons les sites tiers. Afin de profi ter au maximum de ce nouveau matériel, nous envisagions également, naïfs que nous sommes, de n’avoir que des systèmes de type amd64. Nous verrons que cet espoir s’est envolé. Il est important de noter que si NetBSD dispose d’une version dotée d’un noyau de type domU, ce n’est pas le cas d’OpenBSD, aussi, c’est uniquement grâce au mode HVM (Hardware Virtual Machine) de Xen que nous serons en mesure de mettre en place des domUs ne bénéficiant pas de noyaux modifiés.

March 2008

unix:xen_p2v_howto [GCU Wiki]

by camel & 2 others
Comment remédier au tombage en ruine physique d'un serveur (vieuxpc) en migrant l'OS dans un domU HVM Xen flambant neuf.

February 2008

January 2008 Version 5.2 - Le Site d'aide a l'utilisation de Linux

by camel (via)
Nous verrons dans cet article comment installer Xen sur une machine n'ayant pas les instructions matérielles de virtualisation (VT) en utilisant LVM pour partitionner avec flexibilité nos différentes machines virtuelles. Le tout est réalisé grâce à Debian Etch avec les bons noyaux qui vont bien. J'ai aussi utilisé le noyau officiel de chez Xen afin d'avoir quelque chose de propre (enfin dans la limite du possible). Attention, mon tutoriel prends de véritables adresses IP, je n'ai donc aucun besoin de NAT. Si tel est votre problème, achetez le numéro 100 de GLMF, il contient le serveur parfait et un setup bien plus avancé que le miens :)

October 2007

Converting a VMWare image to Xen HVM

by lecyborg & 1 other
The process for converting a VMWare VMDK disk image to Xen HVM is rather quite easy. However, there are "gotchas" that you need to consider when doing this conversion.

Xen from Backports on Debian Sarge

by lecyborg
There is a great howto about installing Xen on Debian Unstable. It is really easy to do and it runs fine. Nevertheless, on production servers, that's not an optimal solution. Debian Unstable has too many updates and things change too often. On production machines, a Xen host system should be stable, secure and should not need much attention. That is where Sarge comes in. If you pull the Xen packages from backports and install them on Debian stable you've got the best of both worlds. Let's do so!

Problems with incrementing eth0; changing mac address, udev, xen and etch

by lecyborg
Lastly on one of the domU's, I had recently upgraded it to Etch. It was rebooted previously and did work. However after going back to Xen with Backports, its network didnt work.

Xen 3 for Debian

by lecyborg & 3 others
Since several years, I build my own network at home, running 2 to 7 machines at the same time (gateway, firewall, workstation, devstation, servers...). In my flat, it produce a lot of noise, take too many space and consume electricty. I decided to stop that, and to run my all network into a single machine, using virtual machine. The technology that convinced me is Xen.

Create DomU

by lecyborg
Creating a Virtual Server - domU There are 3 options of what to run DomU on: 1. File Based Image 2. LVM Based 3. Physical Partition 1. A file based image is the quickest to setup, however has poor/terrible IO performance. The virtual server is limited to the initial size of the image created also. The file based Image can however be easily mounted in a rescue system, and easily backed-up. 2. LVM for domU is the industry standard. After the initial setup of LVM, as described here, it is a dream to manage. LVM partitions can be resized afterwards!!! Due to this "resizing" capability and flexibility, its use for Xen Virtual Servers is ideal. They also have much better IO performance than file-based. I dont know about mounting these partitions however in a rescue system. Something to try out... -). 3. Physical Partitions have the best IO, but are difficult to alter and inflexible.

Installing Xen On An Ubuntu Feisty Fawn Server From The Ubuntu Repositories

by lecyborg & 1 other
This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on how to install Xen on an Ubuntu Feisty Fawn (Ubuntu 7.04) server system (i386). You can find all the software used here in the Ubuntu repositories, so no external files or compilation are needed.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag serveur

debian +   linux +   lvm +   setup +   site +   tutoriel +   virtualisation +   xen +  

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