public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags simulations & gr7

October 2005

Click and Clone

by knann
Learn about herdity and cloning through this interactive lab simulation. Teacher resources and lesson plan available.

July 2005

Amazing Space!

by knann & 1 other
Excellent collection of online explorations for space/astronomy topics. Plenty of teacher_resources.

Blueberry Farm

by knann
Blueberry Farm is a computer program that models a simple ecosystem. It was designed to be used as part of a sequence of science lessons aiming to help Yr7 pupils understand more about the use of chemical agents in farming and how these can affect ecosystems.


by knann
A thinking for learning activity to encourage group discussion and justification of decision making. 6 people are left on a liferaft, for the raft to stay afloat 2 people must be thrown off.Who will it be? Why? Is it fair? Who should go first? Are some lives less valuable than others?

Project Interactivate

by knann
The goals of Project Interactivate are the creation, collection, evaluation, and dissemination of interactive Java-based courseware for exploration in science and math.

Robot Constructor

by knann
Construct your own robot from a range of different materials and components, and try it out in one of our treacherous Zones. If our Zones are not challenging enough, you can construct your own Zones to share, or download one of the hundreds already upload

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag simulations

district +   gis +   hs:science +   hsvt +   mapping skills +   science +  

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last mark : 27/10/2005 07:45