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PUBLIC MARKS with tag sitemaps



2007 - ホーム

by kuroyagi
サイトマップを使うと、ウェブマスターはサイト内のクロールされるページを検索エンジンに簡単に知らせることができます。サイトマップは、最終アップロード日、通常の更新頻度、サイト内の他の URL との相対的な URL 優先度など、各 URL の詳細メタデータのほか、サイトの URL がリストされている簡単な形式の XML ファイルであるため、検索エンジンでより正確にサイトをクロールできます。

Sitemap Creator 0.1 : Create Sitemaps 0.9 valid for Google, Yahoo! and MSN Sitemaps

by walidaly (via)
Sitemap Creator is a php script making use of the announced new standard SiteMaps protocol supported by Google, Yahoo and MSN.


Le blog d'Abondance: Sitemaps, un bon plan... - moteurs de recherche et référencement

by camel & 1 other
Les semaines et jours qui viennent de s'écouler ont amené plusieurs annonces concernant l'offre "Sitemaps", standard de plans de sites au format XML, facilitant l'indexation des sites web par les moteurs de recherche : - C'est tout d'abord Google qui a lancé l'idée et proposé ensuite l'outil en français. - Yahoo! l'a suivi en proposant ce standard sur son site de shopping. - Microsoft a rejoint le groupe en travaillant officiellement avec Google et Yahoo! au développement du standard "Sitemaps" au sein d'un consortium. - Entre temps, Google l'avait proposé pour son moteur de recherche sur les mobiles. - Et il a remis ça cette semaine pour son site Google News. - Home

by cyberien & 16 others (via)
Sitemaps are an easy way for webmasters to inform search engines about pages on their sites that are available for crawling. In its simplest form, a Sitemap is an XML file that lists URLs for a site along with additional metadata about each URL (when it was last updated, how often it usually changes, and how important it is, relative to other URLs in the site) so that search engines can more intelligently crawl the site. - Home

by chiunam & 16 others
Google, Yahoo!, MS 都支持的 sitemap protocol - Home

by camel & 4 others
Sitemaps are an easy way for webmasters to inform search engines about pages on their sites that are available for crawling. In its simplest form, a Sitemap is an XML file that lists URLs for a site along with additional metadata about each URL (when it was last updated, how often it usually changes, and how important it is, relative to other URLs in the site) so that search engines can more intelligently crawl the site. Web crawlers usually discover pages from links within the site and from other sites. Sitemaps supplement this data to allow crawlers that support Sitemaps to pick up all URLs in the Sitemap and learn about those URLs using the associated metadata. Using the Sitemap protocol does not guarantee that web pages are included in search engines, but provides hints for web crawlers to do a better job of crawling your site.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag sitemaps

adsense +   adwords +   analytics +   calendar +   earth +   gmail +   google +   notebooks +   search +   services +   trends +  

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