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PUBLIC MARKS with tags slider & html


How to Create a Simple Multi-Item Slider

by Marine & 1 other
A tutorial on how to create a simple category slider with a minimal design using CSS animations and jQuery. The idea is to slide the items sequentially depending on the slide direction.

How to Create a Simple Multi-Item Slider

by 84GHz & 1 other
A tutorial on how to create a simple category slider with a minimal design using CSS animations and jQuery. The idea is to slide the items sequentially depending on the slide direction.

Les pépites du web #1

by LuciferX
Lancement d’une toute nouvelle catégorie sur le blog, il s’agit d’une sélection de ressources de très bonnes qualités ayant attiré mon attention et qui méritent un coup d’œil.


PUBLIC TAGS related to tag slider

a11y +   accessibilite +   carousel +   conception web +   ergononmie +   ihm +   mauvaises pratiques +  

Active users

last mark : 28/11/2013 09:36

last mark : 27/11/2013 15:51

last mark : 03/09/2013 16:38

last mark : 14/05/2007 15:28