public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags sms & service


Dial2Do - Home

by ycc2106 & 3 others
Dial2Do lets you do common tasks by just calling a number and speaking. Use it to send EMAIL or TEXT messages, record REMINDERS to help you remember things, post updates to your TWITTER or JAIKU stream and LISTEN to your favourite internet content. It's easy and handsfree.

Jumblo | Free calls

by ycc2106
phone call, sms PC > phone, phone > phone...are free depending on the coutry

Un réseau social pour les temps de crise

by Giraultises (via)
Microsoft Vine est né d'une idée lors de l'ouragan Katrina. L'application est donc un logiciel qui sera installé sur votre PC et vous permettra de communiquer avec votre entourage facilement même lorsque la connexion Internet est mauvaise. Elle s'interconnecte avec l'email et les SMS et est composé de cartographie afin de suivre les personnes qui vous entoure. Il est encore difficile d'en savoir plus car ce service est en beta privé... A suivre



NinaKaye just logged in.

by oqdbpo & 1 other
iminlikewithyou is a fun, free, and easy way to meet new people. Find someone you're in like with. Flirt with them – with your wittiest banter, photos, and video – impress them. Then show them how much you really dig them by bidding points in their game. They choose a winner. You two communicate. Keep the crush going with protected e-mail, SMS, and phone calls, and decide if you want to hang out. The rest is up to you!


Beeplet: timed alerts

by ycc2106 & 9 others
notification by sms, email, rss and messengers. built with Ruby on rails

Welcome to TextPayMe

by ycc2106 & 3 others
TextPayMe for sending money by sms

30boxes Calendar

by ycc2106 & 39 others
Online Ajax calendar. Import from Outlook, Yahoo, and iCal, SMS/Text Messaging, microformats


by ycc2106 & 1 other
ZapTXT allows you to define search criteria for your RSS feeds and then notifies you via email, SMS or IM when a new entry contains your search keywords.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag sms

.help +   .mobile +   articles +   cell +   email +   gsm +   posts +   pots +   short +   sim +   software +   tips +   voip +  

Active users

last mark : 06/08/2009 19:29

last mark : 29/04/2009 11:06

last mark : 16/02/2009 20:26

last mark : 20/01/2008 17:59

last mark : 13/06/2007 06:49

last mark : 07/06/2007 01:14

Video Clip
last mark : 09/03/2007 20:49

last mark : 09/03/2007 20:49

Gratuit Technologie
last mark : 09/03/2007 20:49

last mark : 09/03/2007 20:49