As people who are missing each other...
by blackgoldfish"When I am thinking and beginning to feel dizzy, I wonder if there is a language that's complex enough to say everything we want to say. I could just say that I'm missing you but it's not enough."
LV ads: where will life take you?
by blackgoldfish"What is a joutney?
A journey is not a trip.
It's not a vacation.
It's a process. A Discovery.
It's a process of self-discovery.
A journey brings us face to face with ourselves.
A journey shows us not only the world,
but how we fit in it.
Does the person create the journey
or does the journey create the person?
The journey is life itself.
Where will life take you?"
張可樂:「親愛的,很多話我都要跟你說。」/影像詩 展
by blackgoldfish「親愛的很多事我都要跟你說,我想我是一個總是滔滔不絕的人。無時無刻都愛拿鏡頭對著身邊所有的人事物。這是我愛你的方式,我想告訴你,我無時無刻都在感受你的存在。一張張停格的畫面都是一句句我寫給你的情詩。你看我從來都不曾停止。」
by blackgoldfish「母親是一個家庭的說書人,母親也常是一個家庭的心靈大柱,她做的事情雖然多又煩瑣,她或安靜或高昂處理事情時,卻又影響一個家庭的基調深遠。我常在媽媽的節儉行為裡,看到我自己為什麼會這樣清心寡慾 (從不打扮的另一種說法)。我從女兒凡事尋求我認同的眼神裡,看到母親對子女可以產生的深刻影響 -- 從前媽對我的,現在我對女兒的。」
(8 marks)