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PUBLIC MARKS with tags stockage & web-service

February 2007

JungleDisk - Reliable online storage powered by Amazon S3 ™ - Jungle Disk

by fredbird
Jungle Disk is an application that lets you store files and backup data securely to's S3 ™ Storage Service. * Store an unlimited amount of data for only 15¢ per gigabyte * No monthly subscription fee, no startup fee, no commitment * Your data is fully encrypted at all times * Data is stored at multiple datacenters around the country for high availability * Access files directly from Windows Explorer, Mac OSX Finder, and Linux

September 2006

MediaMax, powered by Streamload - Free Online Storage - Share Videos and Photos - Online MP3 Access

by fredbird & 2 others
MediaMax, powered by Streamload, gives you a private and secure place to upload, store, access, and share your personal videos, photos, movies, music, and files. ne fonctionne pas sous opera... - Free Online File Storage

by fredbird & 70 others
Access important files from any computer Share photos, and files too big for email Synchronize and backup folders Sub-accounts and RSS feeds for groups


by fredbird & 9 others is an open source community creating software for dispersed data storage

Révolution dans le stockage Internet sécurisé !

by fredbird & 1 other
La solution imaginée par CleverSafe répond à une demande universelle, non satisfaite aujourd’hui : Comment stocker des informations sur Internet, de manière fiable, efficace et sécurisée.

June 2006

Amazon Web Services Store: Amazon S3

by fredbird
Amazon S3 is storage for the Internet. It is designed to make web-scale computing easier for developers. Amazon S3 provides a simple web services interface that can be used to store and retrieve any amount of data, at any time, from anywhere on the web. It gives any developer access to the same highly scalable, reliable, fast, inexpensive data storage infrastructure that Amazon uses to run its own global network of web sites. The service aims to maximize benefits of scale and to pass those benefits on to developers.

November 2005

FOREVERSAFE.COM - Conservez et partagez votre patrimoine numérique, à vie !

by fredbird & 2 others
FOREVERSAFE est un service pour internautes qui permet de stocker, conserver et partager des fichiers en toute sécurité.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag stockage

internet +   media sharing +   mp3 +   online +   photos +   vidéos +  

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last mark : 05/02/2007 16:47