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PUBLIC MARKS with tag strategies


Headline Formulas for the Web

by wabaus
Several strategies for writing must-click headlines for the Web.


Ne l’appelez plus Y - Stratégies

by srcmax
«C'est la première fois que je fais un programme où il n'y a pas de storytelling, souligne Alexandre Brachet, le fondateur d'Upian, ce sont les internautes qui ont le pouvoir.» Pour favoriser leur engagement sur la plateforme, l'internaute sait régulièrement comment il se situe statistiquement par rapport aux autres. Des vidéos montrent aussi les jeunes en train de se prêter au jeu des questions et de débattre ensemble.


Pilipili, mensuel gratuit de TF1 et Artémis, débarque à Paris - Stratégies

by srcmax
Déjà diffusé à Lyon, Lille, Toulouse, Strasbourg et Rennes, Pilipili débarque à Paris ce jeudi 9 avril. Il s'agit d'un mensuel gratuit centré sur le shopping et les bons plans, comme l'indique sa base line «Le piment urbain pour acheter malin». Coédité par TF1, Artémis (Pinault) et Recruit (créateur de Hot Pepper au Japon), Pilipili dispose aussi d'un site Web ( et d'une application Iphone.


Into the Book: Teaching Reading Comprehension Strategies

by knann
This is an outstanding resource.... Into the Book is a reading comprehension resource for K-4 students and teachers. We focus on eight research-based strategies: Using Prior Knowledge, Making Connections, Questioning, Visualizing, Inferring, Summarizing, Evaluating and Synthesizing. Your class can watch our engaging 15-minute videos, and try the online interactive activities. Behind the Lesson provides teachers with information and teaching resources for each strategy. Watch our 10-minute professional development videos, and explore the Web site for lesson plans, video and audio clips, downloads, and more.

Wordle: using word clouds in a lesson

by knann
Nice example of how to use wordle in the classroom as a pre-reading strategy.

Putting the Pieces Together

by knann
Integrating technology with Marzano's Instructional Strategies to improve student learning.

Resource: Teaching Foreign Languages K-12: A Library of Classroom Practices

by knann
Teaching Foreign Languages K–12 is a video library illustrating effective instruction and assessment strategies for teaching foreign languages


Journey North Instructional Strategies

by jgrogan
Explore these Best Practice Strategies to engage your students in authentic learning:

TATN - Texas Assistive Technology Network

by knann
Technology Supports for Struggling Writers will discuss writing strategies that research has determined to assist students in learning to write, and explore the technology tools that will assist in acquiring and practicing those skills.

Internet Millionaire?

by internetmillionaire & 1 other
Internet millionaire Jo Han Mok reveals literally hundreds of internet marketing strategies, tips and techniques on his new blog. Despite the title - Internet Millionaire Code is surprisingly hype-free and pitch-free. One visit and you'll bookmark it...


Learning Disabilities and Assistive Technologies

by knann (via)
-this web site is a resource for service providers, teachers, parents, consumers and their circles of support -this web site incorporates an assistive technology evaluation, and information on specific difficulties (i.e, reading, writing, memory organization and math) also incorporated are success stories of adolescents and adults using assistive technology to help them live more independently -this web site does not substitute for one-on-one information with an assistive technology provider, whether in the school system or in a rehabilitation setting.

Georgia Project for Assistive Technology

by knann (via)
GPAT has developed resources to assist educational teams in the implementation and integration of assistive technology into instructional activities. These resources address the development of assistive technology intervention plans and technology enhanced lesson plans. Sample lesson plans related to state educational standards are also available. these lesson plans include set-up and follow-up activities for each lesson. Tutorials, technology tips, and supplemental materials are also provided.


Razvan Antonescu » Launching a new service and guerilla PR (part 2)

by razvan
In a previous post, I started pointing out a few tips that might help launching new web 2.0 online services. In this post you will learn why the blogosphere ( ) is important and how to get it on your side


by knann
Designed for 7 - 11 year olds, this website offers interactive online activities and printable resources which teach spelling strategies, rules and patterns for Years 3, 4, 5 and 6. The site can be used as a stand-alone resource or as a complement to the BBC "Spell it Out" and "Spelling with the Spellits" television series and Activity Books.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag strategies

research +   technology +   tools +   writing +  

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