AdSense for Feeds: Socializing your feed with Twitter
by nhoizey2009
nnwbeta.com: NetNewsWire 3.2 beta
by nhoizeyRegister feedvalidator.org as a Mozilla Feed Reader
by philippejGetPingd | Google Groups
by greut (via)Many web resources provide mechanisms for subscribing to changes in their content. However, this change information is only made available via a polling mechanism.
A number of people have proposed mechanisms for subscribing to updates to pages or feeds, however, a missing element of all these proposals is a subscription mechanism. Sadly, this means that every site supporting this feature will likely end up with a different implementation.
Get Pingd pour la mise à mort de la syndication... (à coups de XRDS, d'Atom et de web hooks, tout un programme)
cfis : Atom Will Change the World
by holyver (via)Feed43 (Feed For Free) : Convert any web page to news feed on the fly
by Xavier Lacot & 51 othersQuel format de syndication choisir? RSS, RDF, Atom?
by holyver (via)Rss 2.0 And Atom 1.0 Compared
by holyver & 7 others (via)2007
The Ultimate RSS Toolbox
by philippej & 10 others (via)(U) RSS and Atom Considerations: Moving Toward Atom (UNCLASSIFIED)
by benoit & 1 otherThis white paper recommends that the Intelligence Community, over time, move toward adoption of Atom Syndication Format as the Community’s standard XML-based language for syndication feeds. The paper compares Atom to the current de facto standard, RSS 2.0, and explains the many benefits to be gained by moving toward Atom.