public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags "système d'exploitation" & linux

07 November 2008 21:00

23 October 2008 15:30

16 October 2008 11:00

13 November 2007 08:30

Accueil -

by fotopol & 58 others
Ubuntu, distribution GNU/Linux, réunit stabilité et convivialité. Elle s'adresse aussi bien aux particuliers qu'aux professionnels, débutants ou confirmés qui souhaitent disposer d'un système d'exploitation libre et sécurisé.

22 February 2007 12:15

11 February 2007 15:00

04 February 2007 17:15

03 February 2007 15:30

Proxecto Trisquel

by momoiro & 1 other (via)
Eh oui! Un Trisquel comme celui des bretons, puisque c'est un linux qui nous vient de Galice

30 January 2007 10:30

Ubuntu61 - coLinux

by parmentierf (via)
Installer Ubuntu avec coLinux (pour utilisation sous Windows): mode d'emploi.

12 January 2007 00:45

11 January 2007 10:15

Ulteo - Taste a bit of freedom

by parmentierf & 1 other (via)
After years of looking at Windows, Mac and Linux users with limited knowledge in computers, Ulteo was designed as a new concept which benefits from internet access to ease the way people use computers. Ulteo is going to be more than just another Linux distribution. It won't try to provide the ultimate desktop to users - we believe that current Linux desktops are most often excellent. Massive Linux adoption relies on something else.

06 January 2007 21:45

29 December 2006 15:45

28 December 2006 23:15

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag "système d'exploitation"

bureau +   desktop +   os +   web2.0 +  

Active users

last mark : 07/11/2008 21:07

last mark : 20/11/2007 19:41

last mark : 22/02/2007 12:17

last mark : 30/01/2007 10:33