TheCricLinks: Le créateur du Web montre du doigt les lenteurs de Microsoft à adopter les standards - Creator of Web spots a flaw in IE - MSNBC.com / W3C
by TheCricSVG n'est supporté sur IE que par le biais d'un viewer Adobe dont le support s'arrête le 1er janvier 2009
Design Issues for the World Wide Web
by clochix & 1 otherThese statements of architectural principle explain the thinking behind the specifications. These are personal notes by Tim Berners-Lee: they are not endorsed by W3C. They are aimed at the technical community, to explain reasons, provide a framework to provide consistency for for future developments, and avoid repetition of discussions once resolved.
Berners-Lee - ISWC-RuleML conference Galway 2005/11 (1)
by benoitRandom reflections on ISWC,
and busting some myths
and a few challenges
(5 marks)