public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags teaching & of

February 2007

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

by manuelk
The Open University online prospectus; Courses & Qualifications - E841 Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Worldwide, This course offers a

February 2006

The Guardian: Educational experience at UPEI a source of pride

by Mumvy
In this letter to the Charlottetown Guardian, the Dean of Arts of the University of Prince Edward Island provides an unsubstantiated defense of the quality of education at UPEI.

Robert Paterson's Weblog

by Mumvy
Is this quality? Is this worth the money? Is any learning going on? Is this where UPEI is going? comments: Free David Weale

by Mumvy
UPEI missed the boat. Profs cancel classes all the time or they have students teach their classes and nobody says nothing. Like the student said in the Guardian, theres only a handful of UPEI profs who can really teach but no one talks about that. Its jus

Active users

last mark : 22/02/2007 08:52

last mark : 27/02/2006 13:09