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PUBLIC MARKS with tags tek & fromDel

April 2006

ShelfMenu For Mac OSX

by mikepower
ShelfMenu is a small dockless application living in the system menu bar. It is useful to store every kind of information, like images, URLs, texts, file paths, lists; basically it can store everything you can copy in the clipboard.

January 2006

Big Medium : Probably the simplest Content Management Sytem around. Want to publish a net based magazine/newpaper? Use Big Medium.

by mikepower
Big Medium is a full-featured content management system that allows you to add and edit website content through an intuitive web-browser interface. Net newspaper/magazine/newsletter? Try BM!

Nuvvo Free On-demand eLearning

by mikepower & 14 others
For many years, online learning or eLearning has been a promise not fully realized. Nuvvo is your way to teach on the web. Everyone knows a little bit about something, and this free web service is designed to bring out the teacher in you

Sweet Vienna!

by mikepower
Vienna is a superb, clean, good-looking, freeware, open source RSS and Atom newsreader for Mac OSX 10.3.9 or later. It uses a simple three pane UI and includes features such as smart folders, custom article display styles and subscription groups.

December 2005

Yummy Software � Mac OS X FTP & SFTP client software at its best

by mikepower
Customer Responses: "Finally! An FTP client that has everything I ever wanted. It's even faster than Vicomsoft FTP Client, much more stable than Transmit, and is very nice to use.


by mikepower & 3 others
PurpleSlurple is a transcoding service that reformats Web pages on-the-fly to create granular addressability in document elements on EXISTING Web pages


by mikepower & 17 others
Instant searchable bookmarks in your own FREE and PRIVATE on-line archive

Juice, the cross-platform podcast receiver.

by mikepower & 14 others
If you want to listen to podcasts, this program is for you. Juice is the premier podcast receiver, allowing users to capture and listen to podcasts anytime, anywhere.

Wimpy: Streaming WebSite Audio & Video Tools

by mikepower & 4 others
Elegant, simple to use tools for streaming podcasts, audio files and video using Flash straight from your web page.

November 2005

Exponent :: An Open Source Content Management System

by mikepower & 6 others
Cool, simple, CMS. A little rough around the edges but sure to be a popular app for anyone looking for great website management tools.

iZoom: Image cropping and resizing made easy

by mikepower
iZoom is a simple application designed to allow you to easily resize and crop your photos for optimized display on your iPod photo, on the web, or in email messages

August 2005


by mikepower
Feedmarker is a free, web-based RSS/Atom aggregator with bookmarks and tagging. Like a cross between Bloglines and

Wizbang Standalone Trackback Pinger

by mikepower & 7 others
This site can be used to send a trackback ping to any blog that accepts Trackbacks. You do not need to have a Trackback system on your blog to send pings.

Button Maker: Kalsey Consulting Group

by mikepower & 40 others
THE classic button maker from Adam Kalsey.

Color Blender from Meyerweb

by mikepower & 47 others
Utterly simple way of creating shades or blends from two colours. I use it a lot. You can even grab the code and put it on your hard drive.

Backpack: Get organized with this free project management tool

by mikepower & 12 others
Simple, free, personal web-based project management from the brilliant Basecamp crowd

Talk Digger: Check who's talking!

by mikepower & 11 others
Multiple search results from the major blogging search engines like Bloglines and Technorati.

January 2005

You Can't Be Too Thin - The skinny new audio format that will replace MP3s—and revolutionize Internet radio. By Paul Boutin

by mikepower
aacPlus sounds nearly as good as a CD, even when it's compressed enough to play through a dialup line. Don't take my word for it—see the results of the European Broadcasting Union's listener tests, in which aacPlus was deemed the "clear winner" at a di

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last mark : 01/04/2006 20:19