public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags test & beta



Blind Search

by rax262 & 3 others (via)
BlindSearch, the search engine taste test. Type in a search query above, hit search then vote for the column which you believe best matches your query. The columns are randomised with every query.

Google Search Sandbox

by rax262 & 1 other
Try out the latest Google search

Heroes Of Might And Magic Kingdoms - Jeu en ligne gratuit par navigateur

by parmentierf
Heroes Kingdoms arrive ! Nous sommes en train de régler les derniers détails pour ouvrir le beta test publique dans votre pays. Il devrait démarrer dans les prochains jours. Nous vous contacterons quand le beta test publique sera prêt à être lancé dans votre pays.


A vos tests prêt... partez : SPIP 2.0.0 beta est dans les bacs

by nhoizey
Lachez vos beta testeurs sur cette nouvelle mouture de SPIP, qu'elle soit parfaite pour sa sortie officielle !

Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition 3 Beta 5 | - Portable software for USB drives

by parmentierf (via)
Mozilla Firefox®, Portable Edition is available packaged with Mozilla Firefox 3 Beta 5, allowing you to test all the latest features in the upcoming version without disrupting your current Firefox installation.

Welcome to Firefox 3 Beta 3

by oqdbpo & 2 others
Thank you for helping test Firefox 3 Beta 3! This release is being made available for testing purposes only. You should read the release notes before getting started. We want to hear all of your thoughts about this beta, especially if you encounter broken sites or other web weirdness. Drag this feedback button onto your bookmarks toolbar and click on it when you have something to tell us. We'll be waiting to hear from you! (Or, if you'd prefer, you can file a bug.)



Active users

last mark : 18/02/2010 12:33

last mark : 12/08/2009 21:31

last mark : 01/08/2009 08:58

last mark : 30/03/2009 13:10

last mark : 31/07/2008 06:16

last mark : 05/03/2008 05:31

last mark : 13/07/2007 09:19

last mark : 10/12/2006 13:33