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PUBLIC MARKS with tags test & firefox


WebRTC IP Leak VPN / Tor Test | Privacy Tools

by dzc
This page will test if your internet browser is affected by the WebRTC Leak.



by toki
test anciens sur firefox 3


Firebug Extensions - FirebugWiki

by Monique
Firebug extensions augment or otherwise enhance the Firebug extension. Firebug extensions typically come in the form of Firefox add-ons.


Test Pilot: Tab Open/Close Study: Results

by ycc2106
How much time do you spend on the Web through your browser every day? More time than you spend in your car? How do you use your browser in the morning, the afternoon, the evening, the weekend? Do you use it the same way now as you used it a year ago? Is your browser robust enough to work for you smoothly all the time?

Web Performance Best Practices

by nhoizey & 1 other
When you profile a web page with Page Speed, it evaluates the page's conformance to a number of different rules. These rules are general front-end best practices you can apply at any stage of web development. We provide documentation of each of the rules here

Mozilla Labs Test Pilot

by ycc2106
Test Pilot is a platform aimed at collecting structured user feedback from Firefox and other Mozilla Labs experiments. As a Test pilot, not only will you try before anyone else the newest features and coolest user-interface ideas, you could also learn how those test results may contribute to future designs. The goal for this platform is to encourage everyone from all skill levels to improve the Web experience by conducting and participating in these tests.

Chrome and Firefox 3.5 Memory Usage

by night.kame

Firefox 3.5 used the smallest amount of memory during its peak, it used the smallest amount of memory when all points were averaged, and it used the smallest amount of memory at the end of the experiment after all tabs were closed. Firefox 3.5 continues Firefox 3.0's legacy of being the most memory efficient browser in this style of experiment.

A noter le "in this kind of experiment". Le test en lui-même ne montre pas grand chose, il est biaisé initialement par le fait que Windows gère mal la mémoire dans le sens où il ne maximise pas l'utilisation de la RAM. La seule chose importante est de savoir si la mémoire utilisée est la RAM ou la mémoire virtuelle (ie. un bête fichier). Tant qu'on reste dans la RAM, il n'y a pas de problème, et de ce point de vue là, une utilisation par Chrome de 1Go de mémoire sur les 4Go de mémoire physique (configuration du test) n'est pas forcément négatif au niveau des performances. De même, si la faible consommation de mémoire de Firefox est due à un nettoyage aggressif des structures de données temporaires, ça peut être pénalisant en vitesse. Mais étant donné que ce test ne regarde que la mémoire (espace) et pas la vitesse (temps), les conclusions ne peuvent être que très limitées. La remarque sur IE8 ne fait pas très sérieux...

Page Speed Home

by nhoizey
Page Speed is an open-source Firefox/Firebug Add-on. Webmasters and web developers can use Page Speed to evaluate the performance of their web pages and to get suggestions on how to improve them.

showslow - Google Code

by Xavier Lacot (via)
Displays data collected by YSlow about websites performance. Might be useful for collecting data from testers during Users Acceptance Tests.


FireUnit: Firebug Unit Testing for Firefox

by Xavier Lacot & 2 others
A firefox firebug extension for javascript unit testing

With Browsershot it takes a click to test your web design in different browsers | Kabatology ~ Open Source, Linux

by parmentierf
rowsershots is a web application that offers the fastest way to check your web design in different browsers – it does so in less than 10 minutes and eliminates the need to jump from one operating system to the other. This web application takes thumbnails of webpages on the Linux, BSD, Windows and Mac platforms and deploys over 50 different browser including Firefox, Internet Explorer, Konqueror, Opera, Navigator, Safari – and many other unknown browsers.

Tamper Data :: Modules pour Firefox

by nhoizey
Use tamperdata to view and modify HTTP/HTTPS headers and post parameters..

Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition 3 Beta 5 | - Portable software for USB drives

by parmentierf (via)
Mozilla Firefox®, Portable Edition is available packaged with Mozilla Firefox 3 Beta 5, allowing you to test all the latest features in the upcoming version without disrupting your current Firefox installation.

Litmus: Painlessly test your email and website designs

by nhoizey & 9 others
Litmus shows you precisely how your designs will be seen by your customers. We deliver screenshots of your web sites and email newsletters in seconds across all popular platforms.


Test de la tablette internet Nokia N800 - Presse-citron - Le blog

by parmentierf
La Nokia N800 est un véritable ordinateur de poche hybride tournant avec un système d'exploitation Open source basé sur Linux, situé à mi-chemin entre un PDA et un UMPC, dont les fonctions principales sont un accès à internet, mais également un média center portable très complet permettant de lire audio et vidéo dans d'excellentes conditions.

jQuery: » jQuery 1.1.4: Faster, More Tests, Ready for 1.2

by nhoizey
What would a release be without some speed improvements? $(”#id”) improved by 4919% on Firefox 2!


Selenium IDE

by nmoreau & 5 others
Selenium IDE is an integrated development environment for Selenium tests. It is implemented as a Firefox extension, and allows you to record, edit, and debug tests. Selenium IDE includes the entire Selenium Core, allowing you to easily and quickly record and play back tests in the actual environment that they will run.

Microsummaries - MozillaWiki

by boveriec & 5 others (via)
Microsummaries are regularly-updated succinct compilations of the most important information on web pages.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag test

accessibilite +   accessibilité +   air +   clevermarks +   color +   couleur +   daltonien +   daltonisme +   dev +   health +   logiciel +   maladie +   photoshop +   plugin +   sante +   tools +   web +  

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