October 2009
Adobe® BrowserLab
by ycc2106 & 1 otherAdobe BrowerLab gives you the ability to preview and test your websites in multiple browsers and operating systems. Since building a website to be cross-browser compatible is one of the more annoying aspects of web design, this should be a valuable web app to all of us.
Browsera - Automated Cross Browser Web Application Testing Service
by ycc2106Automated cross browser web application testing service.
August 2009
Test Swarm: Distributed Continuous Integration for JavaScript
by ycc2106 & 2 othersThe primary goal of TestSwarm is to take the complicated, and time-consuming, process of running JavaScript test suites in multiple browsers and to grossly simplify it. It achieves this goal by providing all the tools necessary for creating a continuous integration workflow for your JavaScript project. If you are a casual user of some open source JavaScript libraries and wish to help them generate high-quality test results for their project then TestSwarm is the perfect way to get involved. Right now TestSwarm.com is open for alpha testing.
by ycc2106 & 18 othersYour website through the eyes of a Mac ? Browsrcamp allows you to test the compatibility of your design with Mac OS X browsers.
Cross Browser Testing. Pick an OS, Pick a Browser, Test website
by ycc2106 & 2 others# CrossBrowserTesting.com allows website designers to test the cross browser compatibility of their website across different browsers and operating systems.\n# Sometimes you need more than a picture. Test your AJAX and Javascript as well as the layout.
February 2008
(6 marks)