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PUBLIC MARKS with tag tips

This year


What Is The Bash Null Command?

by orieg
Learn about the Bash null command, also known as the POSIX shell colon command. This post cover concrete use cases and pitfalls to avoid.

A Complete Guide On How To Use Bash Arrays

by orieg
Learn how to use bash array variables and associative bash arrays. This guide covers how to declare a bash array, iterate over a bash array, and access keys and values.

How To Format Date And Time In Linux, MacOS, And Bash?

by orieg
Find out how to manipulate date and time on linux and macOS systems as well as natively in the Bash shell. This post covers all you need to know to format a date from your shell.



Zalo DS Blog: 3DS Homebrew Tips and Tricks (II)

by sylvainulg (via)
"In other words, what you really have is an screensize of 240x400" ... ow, yeah. Of course. That makes it possible to flip between left-eye-viewpoint and right-eye viewpoint on a line-by-line basis, rather than at pixel level!


20 More Docs and Guides for Front-End Developers

by manu
To start out the week, you might be in the mood to learn something new or maybe refine your abilities in a particular language or technology on the front-end.

🛠 VIDEO PLAYER - 20 VLC Player Tips and Tricks

by decembre
VLC is probably the most versatile video player you can download due to its amazing ability to play almost any codec you throw at it. This alone makes this app a worthy addition to your software suite. While most people use VLC as a simple video player, it is so much more than that. VLC is the Swiss Army Knife of video players with features that are hidden and unknown to the casual user.

Mobile App Design & Development Tips

by leadnleadcom
Mobile App Design & Development Tips.Professional app design for multiple screen sizes and operating systems will increase no.of app downloads.Mobile app design is an art as much as it is a science.

Tips to Optimize Your New Twitter Profile

by leadnleadcom
Tips to Optimize Your New Twitter Profile.The new Twitter profile doesn't just change the aesthetics of the social network.

iPhone App Marketing Tips

by leadnleadcom
iPhone App Marketing Tips and Services by Creating the app is the easy part. It's getting it noticed that's the challenge we help in this process.

12 Tips for Better Biscuit Joining - Woodworking Shop - American Woodworker

by sbrothier
Decorative corner splines sure make an ordinary box look great. But they can be a bit dicey to cut on a tablesaw. Let your plate joiner come to the rescue. A simple jig holds the box and the joiner so you can cut slots quickly with minimal setup hassles.


Le Vinaigre blanc...Voici comment ce pro du bâtiment l'utilise

by sbrothier
J’utilise aussi le vinaigre pour effacer les traces de laitances de chaux sur les pierres, les carrelages, le bois, etc… C’est bien préférable à l’acide chlorhydrique. 

git - How can I remove a commit on github? - Stack Overflow

by ghis
"Undo" the last commit to a remote Git repository.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag tips

bash +   command-line +   dvcs +   git +   mercurial +   shell +   tricks +   vcs +   via_negatif +  

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