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PUBLIC MARKS with tags tool & it


TeamTrick: Scrum on Rails

by oqdbpo
TeamTrick is an open source web application to implement Scrum. It will help you with all the tedious tasks of managing teams with Scrum.

Mockingbird | Wireframes on the fly

by oqdbpo & 11 others
Mockingbird is an online tool that makes it easy for you to create, link together, preview, and share mockups of your website or application.


Digital Face Beautification

by oqdbpo & 3 others
This sketch presents a novel method for digital face beautification: given a frontal photograph of a face (a portrait), our method automatically increases the predicted attractiveness rating of the face. The main challenge is to achieve this goal while introducing only minute, subtle modifications to the original image, such that the resulting “beautified” face maintains a strong, unmistakable similarity to the original, as demonstrated by the pair of faces shown in Figure 1. The effectiveness of the proposed method was experimentally validated by a group of test subjects who consistently rated the modified faces as more attractive than the original ones. Professional photographers have been retouching and deblemishing their subjects ever since the invention of photography. It may be safely assumed that any model that we encounter on a magazine cover today has been digitally manipulated by a skilled, talented retouching artist. Since the human face is arguably the most frequently photographed object on earth, a tool such as ours would be a useful and welcome addition to the ever-growing arsenal of image enhancement and retouching tools available in today’s digital image editing packages. The potential of such a tool for motion picture special effects and advertising is also quite obvious.


by thw416 is a fun, easy-to-use website that gives women the opportunity to “try on” the hottest makeup and hairstyle looks from the convenience of their homes


by thw416
ReadTheWords is a free online service that will read any text you enter aloud.


by thw416
Maybe you want to know how you would look like with a different hair cut, in a famous picture or in a cd cover…


by thw416
Luminotes is a WYSIWYG personal wiki notebook for organizing your notes and ideas. You don’t have to use any special markup codes or install any software. You simply start typing.


by thw416
Paste in your text and you get a URL that you can give to anyone… when they go there, bam! Your nicely formatted text. Possible Reasons For Use



by thw416
BackTrackr is in public beta at the moment. We are developing and designing a powerfull and intelligent trackback system for twitter


by thw416
give it two people and it'll combine them, to create a new person with the facial features of both.


Photobucket JWidget

by cyberien (via)
Are you looking to offer free image & video hosting and sharing capabilities on your website? The Photobucket Jwidget is an industry-first tool that will enable your website users to access and share their Photobucket images and video without ever leaving your site. What is the Jwidget? It is a free plugin that can be implemented in minutes giving any website free image and video hosting and publishing functionality at no additional cost. It's a simple IFRAME that lives on your website, allowing your members to upload as well as publish content from their Photobucket account without leaving your site. Why should you use it? If your site accepts direct links and you want to enable your members to publish user-generated image and video content, the Photobucket Jwidget is for you. It will create a much more content rich engaging experience for your users while leveraging Photobucket's world class infrastructure, storage, bandwidth, and industry leading content moderation system. With Photobucket's 19 million members, there is a high probability that your users are already using Photobucket. The Jwidget will make it much easier for your users to link their Photobucket content onto your site. If you want to earn money from the traffic you generate from your Jwidget, join the Photobucket Affiliate Program!. You can earn $10 for every user that upgrades to a Photobucket premium account. To learn more about the affiliate program, click here

Dynamic Drive Email Riddler- email encryption script and tool

by fox_b & 1 other
Email Riddler is an online tool that encrypts and transform your email address into a series of numbers when displaying it, making it virtually impossible for spam harvesters to crawl and add your email to their list. View Tool Highlights.

Download Squad

by leaffael & 25 others


PUBLIC TAGS related to tag tool

2.0 +   accessibilité +   ajax +   application +   blog +   blogger +   blogging +   bookmark +   browser +   button +   chat +   code +   color +   css +   css3 +   debug +   delicious +   design +   dev +   development +   download +   editor +   free +   generator +   google +   image +   internet +   javascript +   js +   météo +   online +   performance +   php +   programming +   python +   rss +   script +   search +   security +   services +   social +   software +   test +   testing +   tips +   tools +   web +   web2.0 +   webdesign +   互联网 +  

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