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PUBLIC MARKS with tags tv & software


Mediathek für Mac OS X

by simon_bricolo
Mediathek für Mac durchsucht und lädt Beiträge aus den Mediatheken von ARD, ZDF, 3sat, NDR, SWR, WDR, ARTE und SF.

TVShows: Download your favourite TV shows automatically

by simon_bricolo
Mac OS X application that automatically downloads torrents of your favourite shows. TVShows will not download the actual episode for you, only the torrent files that are needed. It is not a bittorrent client. TVShows will only download these torrent files, automatically and as soon as they are released. It will then (if you choose) use your preferred bittorrent client to start downloading the episode.

Logiciels vidéos

by astrochoupe
Logiciels pour lire et convertir des vidéos, connaitre les codecs ou regarder la TV.



by ycc2106 & 1 other
Mix multiple inputs like a professional TV studio. Includes picture-in-picture and real time 3D layouts. Flash embeddable, chat twotter support. Hook directly into DirectX and OpenGL to reproduce your 3D gaming experience online. Mac version to come


FritzTV Free Internet TV

by manmac00
FritzTV is a free internet tv, watch live sport events, movies, videos, news..and much more.

Wizzgo, ma télé avec moi

by sbrothier & 3 others, 1 comment
Le magnétoscope numérique online Avec wizzgo ne manquez plus vos programmes TV préférés : enregistrez-les gratuitement d'un clic. Où que vous soyez. Regardez-les quand vous le voulez, comme vous le voulez : sur votre ordinateur, votre media center, emportez-les sur votre votre iPod ou votre iPhone...


by sbrothier
Lostify is a metadata tagger for MP4 videos. It runs on Mac OS X, and the tags it produces aim to be compatible with iTunes, the iPod, iPhone, Front Row and Apple TV. This means that after you tag a video using Lostify, it will show up in iTunes, iPod etc. appropriately as a TV Show, Music Video, etc., with all the episode information, season information, etc. intact.


MyCast your digital media with Orb 2.0 remote pc access software

by cyberien & 1 other
Orb is simple and fast to use. The Orb application is free to download and install, and there are no fees for MyCasting. You only need a home computer to get setup, and can use any web-enabled media player with streaming capabilities, portable or otherwise, to remotely play the media you desire. Once the Orb software is installed on your "always-on" home PC, your computer acts like your personal broadcasting system. You now have the ability to stream content through any internet-connected device like a mobile phone, PDA, laptop or any other computer. No additional hardware or software is necessary to be installed on any of the web-enabled devices you want to use. With Orb, you can start MyCasting your photos, music, videos, live* or recorded TV, documents and more right now. *Please note, to access live TV you will need to purchase and install a TV tuner card in your home PC. Orb makes this easy to do by providing instructions and recommendations. To start MyCasting, enter into your web browser, login and your on your personal broadcasting station. Orb creates a secure media portal to your home PC. There are no downloads, just unencumbered streaming of digital content. The Orb application automatically checks the bandwidth, screen size and resolution of your viewing device and optimizes the digital content for your device and connection speed. You don't have to worry about how it works - you can just play and enjoy! MyCasting through Orb maximizes the potential of both the Internet and the devices we use everyday to unlock the digital media on your home computer in a way never before possible.


MEDIAPORTAL - free MediaCenter HTPC Software - Home

by nikkie & 13 others (via)
MediaPortal is an Open Source application ideal for turning your PC / TV into a very advanced Media Center. MediaPortal allows you to listen to your favorite music & radio, watch and store your videos and DVDs, view, schedule and record live TV as a digital video recorder and much much more. You get MediaPortal as Open Source software. This means you can help in developing MediaPortal or tweak it for your own needs with lots of innovating plugins from our great community.

Why Not ?

by jl2k5
Blog multi-sujets, qui traite des infos sympas du moment, Internet, musique, vidéos, TV, cinema, software et hardware. Mis à jour régulierement

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag tv

mobile +   photoshop +   psd +   resolutions +   screen +   tablet +  

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