public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags video & fashion




Other Edition | Reading Room

by sbrothier
Other Edition is the leading developer of iPad, iPhone and digital magazine experiences - working with publishers and titles in over 20 countries and with brands to create great experiences for digital and mobile audiences. Our magazines have an audience of 4.3 million people - this audience is global, growing fast, and they are "super-influencers". Working with Apple, one of our main titles - the revolutionary culture, entertainment and fashion title, Interview magazine - is presented in over 210 Apple storefronts worldwide. Apple showcase it on gigantic iPads as "the best way to enjoy your favorite magazines". We agree - our iPad platform featured in Apple stores is our 1.0 experience, September marks the launch of our third generation 3.0 reader experience. This third generation platform launches 10 new functionalities including multitouch, broadcasting, shopping, dynamic navigation, enhanced in-page video play, brand channels, better in-app browsing, engaging new page-turn in landscape mode, and a subscription service.

Interview Magazine First Mag for Ipad | TrendLand -> Fashion Blog & Trend Magazine

by sbrothier
Last month CondeNast announced iPad versions of 5 of their titles were being prepped,(not for Vogue and W yet!) . Interview, however, is taking the plunge. Back in February, a video demo of their iPad app ( see below) , showing the photography and text of the magazine intermixed with video and audio content.


PARIS MOUSTACHE CLUB | Le club de ceux qui en ont sous le nez

by vodkacoca & 4 others
Le Paris Moustache Club aime les filles qui aiment les hommes qui aiment les poils qui n’ont pas peur des filles qui portent la moustache. One tour eiffel, one moustache, one club!



by discret & 88 others
Site de partage de video en ligne


D A V I D * L A C H A P E L L E

by calang & 5 others (via)
Of all the photographers inventing surreal images, it is Mr. LaChapelle who has the potential to be the genre's Magritte

Cloth folding

by sbrothier (via)
on y resiste pas, le pire c'est que je viens d'essayer et que ça marche...

Know How to Fold'Em

by sbrothier & 8 others
comment plier sont t-shirt en 4 leçons... faut vraiment que je m'y mette

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag video

bellucci +   bologna +   calcio +   calciolibero +   calciomoderno +   campionato +   champions +   champions_league +   coolstreaming +   dirette +   gdf +   goal +   gol +   gratis +   milan +   ottavi +   paredes +   rai +   raisport +   reggina +   rovesciata +   sampdoria +   serie_a +   seriea +   serieb +   sky +   skysport +   skytv +   tacco +   tv +   video_calcio +   webtv +  

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