public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags vote & plugin

April 2007

jQuery Star Rating Super Interface!

by nhoizey & 1 other (via)
Here is my quick and dirty re-creation of a star rating plugin. This is a fully degradable plugin that creates the Star Rating interface based on a simple form structure.

January 2007

November 2006

August 2006

Movable Circus - RateIt

by fox_b (via)
MTに投票/評価システムをつけるプラグイン RateIt is a plugin that allows users to rate different content on your MT site. It uses cookies, php, and a plugin script to achieve this effect. It might sound complex but there are very few files to install and no hacking needed. RateIt also uses IP addresses and cookies to deter people from abusing the voteing system by repeatedly voting on single items.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag vote

art +   artist +   gallery +   online +   showcase +  

Active users

last mark : 13/04/2007 08:08

last mark : 30/01/2007 13:59

last mark : 15/11/2006 12:49

last mark : 25/08/2006 08:42