public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags w3c & editor

31 July 2006

Amaya Home Page

by YukuanMark & 6 others
Amaya is a Web editor, i.e. a tool used to create and update documents directly on the Web. Browsing features are seamlessly integrated with the editing and remote access features in a uniform environment. This follows the original vision of the Web as a

05 July 2006

WYMeditor - standards-compliant XHTML editor - Home

by camel & 11 others (via)
WYMeditor is a web-based WYSIWYM editor. WYMeditor's main concept is to leave details of the document's visual layout, and to concentrate on its structure and meaning, while trying to give the user as much comfort as possible (at least as WYSIWYG editors). WYMeditor has been created to generate perfectly structured XHTML strict code, to conform to the W3C specifications and to facilitate further processing by modern applications.

Active users

last mark : 31/07/2006 03:37

last mark : 05/07/2006 14:53